Wednesday 28 January 2009


Just because aku silap bajet date..

I missed the last chance to hug my 2 best buddies who left the country yesterday and today.

Cemana aku boleh terpikir nak balik awal on Friday and cemana aku boleh pikir 27 & 28hb tu on Thu & Fri. Cemana aku bleh x salam2 n' peluk cium siap2 masa kat 1nsaf kekonon jumpa lagi kat opis.

K.Shikin, TQ for all the guidance, esprit de corp ala section 3...and many more

CT, TQ for being the ever cheerful friend. Happy sokmo.

To both of you...word can't describe how I feel, but I really miss the chaos and the 'happening-ness' on this side of the office. It's empty now. TQ TQ and TQ again...

Tapi tulah kata org..ada hikmahnya. Bye for now, we'll be seeing each other soon. Hug hug kiss kiss from me to both of you (and to my x-dept as well hehe)


Hanum said...

owhhh.. dah berlayar eh?.. to kak shiqin and siti 'shooter'... selamat menuntut ilmu di perantuan... all the best to both of u. *eh.. sorry kak zie, wa tumpang wish kat sini plak.. heheh*

Tukang Campak said...

sila la tompang nom...