Thursday 23 April 2009

Sudah berjaya, tapi...sikiiit je lagi...bleh ?

There's a lot of going-ons in my life now but I have no time to sit and blog about it.

Just to update on the progress of my mission to reduce my weight/BMI to a healthty level. I thot I've nailed it when the scale's showing...


sometimes 54.5 due to food & drink consumption. So I was thinking of maintaining and slowing down on the gym routines.

But after further consultation and looking at the body measurement print-out (hehe buat free kat kedai jual alat2 kesihatan). I have to reduce another 3.9kg because...

my body FAT % = 30% !!!!

Abg kedai yg ada muscle tu ckp...dah dlm range healthy sbnrnya tp skewed towards overweight. Reduce sikit lagi so dia jadik dlm range 20 - 27%.

Goods news, I've achieved the BMI target. Yay !! Gambor baru lom ambik sbb dh dkt 1 week x pi gym hehe . So now..the vain-ness in me started to kick-off...if u can get this far from (62kg - 59kg - 57kg - 53kg) than why not go all the way to 48kg ? Hahaha that's clearly not motivated by health reason anymore.

Sunday 12 April 2009

Distance Makes Heart Grow Fonder

Huhuhu I miss him so much...

There are times that I wish to be left alone...but when the day came I don't think I can survive without him by my side.

There will be ups and downs but I definitely want him to be with me...

4 days without him...turned me into one miserable lady.

Ayang, I miss you...come back home and we'll have another dive trip :p

Monday 6 April 2009

Tips : Batu Hempedu / Gallstones

Ni tips dari x-schoolmate aku, Sue. She went through the sufferring and now fully recovered. She was scheduled for operation tapi dia cuba cara traditional. At the same time, aku googled. Those in italic is the one yg aku tambah based on En. G0ogle nyer info.

Bahan :
1/2 liter minyak zaitun (yes half-a-litre !!) - portion can be adjusted
Perahan lemon / any acidic juice (apple/orange/grapes) but lemon squeeze seems better

  1. Puasa bermula dari pkl 12.00 tengahari - 7.00 malam.
  2. Lepas tu, minum 2 sudu besar minyak zaitun dan 1 sudu besar perahan air lemon.
  3. Baring sebelah kanan dan naikkan lutut ke dada
  4. Maintain dalam posisi tersebut for about 15min. Ulangi sehingga habis minyak tersebut.
  5. InsyaAllah, batu tersebut akan keluar bersama2 najis. Hijau katanya...(tapi bukan kryptonite)

Nota : Proses ini haruslah berterusan, jangan putus atau diganggu dengan tugas2 lain.

The most important things is the virgin olive oil and lemon juice. The acid was meant to soften the gallstones. For the portion, ada yg mention 1/2 cawan minyak zaitun dara (virgin olive oil) + 1 biji jus lemon segar, minum in 1 shot and masuk tidur. Without fasting. Ni utk org2 yg rasa x leh telan minyak byk2 la. Bak kata Sue, rasa cam nak muntah minyak hehe

Harap2 ada yang boleh dpt manfaat from this.

That was based on her experience. TQ Sue, she's now based in Sydney. Pengawas tau masa sekolah hahaha tapi pengawas yg cute dan manja...

MU..ko memang hampeh la

Kalau nak menang ko kasik jek menang awal2, ko jgn penat2 sampai injury time pastu baru menang. Sakit jiwa ahkak tau, sakit lagi chewing gum dlm mulut Fergie, tau je la kan, kalau ManU mcm nak kalah dia chew ala2 140km/j hahaha...

Sekian lama aku missed so many games, bangun pagi asik tanya Man, 'sape menang?'. Last night..aku missed gak the 1st 2 goals by R0nald0, tapi cemana ntah bleh lak tahan mana the last 15min. Aku rasa sbb aku nampak 2-2 pastu dh 80:++ kot.

Semput gila nengok depa dok struggle sampai la the young padawan kasik sebijik, baaaaaaik nyer curve 3min into injury time. Kan ke senang score awal, x la aku ala2 nk terjatuh sofa..TQ Macheda.

So now, ko main biar menang pastu jgn lupa doa Liberpool kalah. Tu jek aku nak pesan...