Thursday 8 January 2009

Ambik kau...

Ecececehhh....kekonon seminggu ye break, hamek kau nak dekat sebulan gak la aku x membloggerkan diri aku. So secara otomatik, aku bukanlah blogger yg tegar hahaha...tetiba hehe

Nak kena start recall balik acara2 yg aku x sempat muat-naik nih, gila byk.

1. Perabih citer basi - Langkawi (19-22 Nov 2008)
2. Sokan kat Bangi (26-28 Nov 2008)
3. Coti2 kat PD plak ( 28-30 Nov 2008)
4. Lepak Puncak Jal1l & Cyberjaya (28-29 Dec 2008)
5. Mabuk kat MPH (31 Dec 2008)
6. Skolah punya hal

Byk lagi tapi mcm x leh nk recall get ready for my non-stop entry (ye lah tu) before I move on to my NEW boring working life yang boleh membantutkan sifat2 blogger ku...

So starting from yesterday, after 2 blissfull years of heavenly break, I'm back into the field as the most hated person in banking industry, tadaaaa....the aud1t0r..examiner..supervisor...clap clap clap

BTW, I was exempted from taking the said exam due to medical reason (got to do with my 1UCD and the fact that I was hit by a van on zebra crossing). So much for taking break and melepek kat library 4 one full week. Will sit on 21 Feb.


Hanum said...

hekzem CISA ke hakaakk?... fuiiyyoo.. baper orang hamik?

Tukang Campak said...

takdelah..exam CyberSec sponsor, xde pasal aku nk bunuh diri...