Monday 12 January 2009

Me Lonely

Pause to all the delayed entries, this is what’s happening. Lintas langsung from my ‘new workplace’.

I think I’ve been denying the fact the current situation in my office is affecting me…quite badly…until today. When all the workstations left empty and when I have to search their name from other dept's IM directory. When I have no more real newspapers to read for free (supplier = Zaim1). When I have to tap all incoming calls asking for no-longer-around-colleagues. My breakfast mate are all gone except for 1, she will be going too…even further away to Down Under.

I looked around and I feel lonely…a bit sad and empty. I won’t be seeing all the familiar faces anymore. I mean they are still around in the company but all scattered and most of them are now in HQ. I’m not super close to all of them especially juniors but still, after having them around, it does feel different.

My dept is officially D1SBANDED, yes you heard me right, D1SBANDED. Though they call it RESTRUCTUR1NG, more fancy I think but it won’t change the fact that there are no more IT exam-iners in BeeAnnAm. All will be transformed into commercial/financial exam-iners (that’s ‘auditor’ for you out there). So all of us were ‘shipped’ to the new dept starting last week. It won’t affect the newbies that much but for ppl like me who has been pushing the job grade ceiling for the past 2 years, it’s quite demoralising. Coz, now you are back to square one, you’ll be rated as junior for the next appraisal. Not to mention the not-so-recent salary hike which did not do much justice to all the seniors. I mean having juniors who had no idea what DeeRP and BeeCP is all about but earning just 500 less than you who toiled for 7 years. How do I know ? Mmm..they proudly telling each other...

YES, I AM COMPLAINING, I AM WHINING. Gimme a chance to do that, so that I have a proper closure for this episode.

But then, since I won’t quit this place. I sit back and think. Semua ni ketentuan Allah, pasti ada hikmah tuu...maybe rezeki aku ada kat sini…I should not be looking at the closed door too long for I will miss the other opened doors, right ? Think about others who were force out of their job. I still have mine, earning quite a decent $$. Bersyukurlah sikit cik puan Zie oiii..

This entry is dedicated to all my friends who are now in JPOne, JPTwo, JPThree, JDSPee and one sesat girl in Pruden. I miss you all..huhu I’ll see in in HQ if I manage to ‘escape’. Thanks for the memories (Cecel1a Ahern gitu…) . TQ for being my friend, semoga sukses di SANA and now that you’re away, I would appreciate your online comment hehe all this while can do direct verbal comment maa.

This was taken during farewell for Abg KAssem, tapi sesoai la ngan tema entry aku arinih

To my breakfast mate, I will never forget our nasik lemak makcik jembatan + teh ais routine. Korang dah takde haku x de selera nak turun makan lagi dah. So hikmah dia, bley la sambung operasi diet yg terbantut aritu (ahh..x sudah2...turunnya tidak)

I miss those who are away (Hanom) and out of the co. (Gee and K.Mai) too. Suddenly it’s too overwhelming, I can’t and I won’t stop the tears for one last time coz…aku nak gi onsite plak pasni ni hahahaha wish me luck for I need it badly.


Hanum said...

lohh??.. ape sudah jadii??.. sobb..sobbb.. so sad!!! gimanakah nasib ku inin wahai hakaaakkk??... dimanakah akan ku dicampakkan 3 yrs from now?.. seriously kak zie... nama wa dah dicantas la dlm senarai j@YPee4 izitt??!!

Anonymous said...

ya allah zie, i really thot i'm the only one feeling sad n lonely n really2 SAD!!!!

Rasa mcm nak buat usul tak percaya kat AG aje la.. giler la dorang ni buat camni. ko bygkan la, kita tunggang tonggeng buat audit dari dulu, aleh2 now mcm start fresh! just like that! tadi i nak tekan 14 instead of 16 and i went to 14 each time nak ber'operasi'.

i just cant believe that i am really feeling sad actually.


Tukang Campak said...

Nom, nama ko dah lama x de dlm Dir la bebeh..hahaha bila ko balik nih ? KAini yg dah balik pon dok floating lagiks tau...

Sina : Gila sentimentol time jumpa geng2 kat lif, excited semcm. Ni baru lps tgk nomor juta2 aku rasa nak muntah help me aku nak kena beli buku for Dummies...

Anonymous said...

Huhu..Kak Zie..

Sedih nyer baca entry kak zie org sebelah gue dah teresak-esak ha membaca huhuu..
(fitnah jer nih)

Semua ini ada hikmahnya...
Semoga kita tabah hadapi ujian Allah ini..kita adalah org2 yg dipilih Allah untuk diuji ..InsyaAllah..we can do it!
(gue pun tgh diuji nih..diuji pasai tempat duduk.:))

PerantauSepi1306 said...

hmmm cobaan zie.. nak wat camner.. la nie mcm2 hal dlm tempat kije kit enie... adakah patut org pi blajaq leh dpt increment tinggi dari org dok wat kije ni... apa2 pun cobaaannnnn...sabarlah.. it's life definitely will have a lot of challenges.. come join me here.. we need a lot of people.. SK, LK... maintenance and support, new techno.. ughhhhhh not enuff hands for us to handle all this.

Tukang Campak said...

Sakinz & Hana jgn sedih2 noo...kije elok2 kat tempat org. No other dept kan compete ngan ke'rilek'an & ke'cool'an dept lama. If we can't beat them, join them.

Sydde, join hang ? tima kasih la..aku lari masuk sini sbb xmo buat keje2 tu lg dah hehe.