Friday 12 December 2008


I have an exam to sit on 20th and I've yet to start flipping any pages. Memang trait aku lah last minute mautnyer. 600 pages to be memorize. yes memorize coz the exam will quote all methodologies, modelling, examples and name of security-related applications available on the market an the Net. Kill me now...

So I'm taking a very short break from BLOGGING and BLOGHOPPING. 1 week oni hehe coz this 2 xtvts are sort of addictive. Once you start clicking, and's endless. Got a lot of stuffs to post but than can wait. I'll end this post with 2 news, 1 mixed of good & bad and 1 not so good.

Good & Bad News
We got the key to our new house sans the CF so no reno work can be done. No reno no move. No move no housewarming. So wait till the cows come home lah...huhu

Not So Good News
It's been 24hrs since Hannah last feeding thru the bo0bies. I'm weaning her off. I've decided that she should be fine with formula, fresh milk, tea blabla from now on.

sob feels like losing something, the bonding I think. After more than 2 years having her close to me, warming my body at night (it's time for babah plak..haha kidding). I've to do it for my own well being. I haven't had a proper sleep for the past 2 years. She' the type who'll wake up every 2, 3 hours for feeding..till now and she'll be holding onto it until my back felt numb. My back is hurting me. I woke up every morning feeling dizzy, disoriented and very very tired but life goes on. I normally took a 10-min nap every morning in the office. Imagine having to wake up every few hours throughout the night for the past 2 years.

I realised that long ago and tried to wean her off. All failed coz I felt the milk is too precious to be wasted, as you know I have aplenty. Last month, I checked myself into the hotel for tournament. After soo long, I got my 1st uninterrupted sleep, 2 days in a row. was so good and I want to feel that way again.

I'm not complaining or whining coz breastmilk is the best thing you can give to your child. But when you have a baby who is soo clingy at night, in the long run it'll affect you phisically and mentally. I'm feeling it now and would like to put a stop to it. Mothers have to take care of themselves so that she can take better care or her family, right ?

Earlier I've tried so many tips and all failed, name it, bakawali, lipstick, belacan, kicap . I even put salt whenever she woke up but that also failed to stop her. And I just bowed after she cried and cried and cried. Hannah 10 Ibu 0. Last night, I wore a dress with no button and no stretchy collar, so she won't be able to pull out the milk machine. She cried and got cranky all the way and I made myself tougher inside, I'm not bowing out this time... She relented at last and requested for susu (read : formula). But....she insisted that the bottle to be inserted inside my dress as if she's having it direct from my body. Sian kan ? I cried and I laughed. I hold her tight last nite and we both slept like a baby.

Dear Hannah,
you were FULLY BREASTFED for the 1st 12months of your life
you were FULLY BREASTFED after 5PM for the next 12months of your life
you were FULLY BREASTFED during BEDTIME till now

I gave you the best-est and yummy yum yum-est milk in the world for 29months and I think it's time for you to let go. Gonna miss our 'intimate' moments.

From now on, I'll be missing your 1st shout whenever I reach home...'Ibuuuuuu...muah...nak nenen' [sila imagine Puss in Boots dlm Shrek]

I sign out with engorged boobies love

Tips: If you have the time and chances to prepare and bottle-feed your child, do it yourself. Don't let the maid to prepare, hold and feed them. It's your right and grab it while you can.


Hanum said...

totally truely understand.... 25 months of being the milk machine day and night was NOT EASY for me... but... I really miss those moments.. ;(

Anonymous said...

zie.. aku nok belajo gok nk stop BF ni which i can't at the moment.. last month every half an hour haifa jaga nok nenen.. kalu suh bottle feed, sure nanak..nanak.. le ning sblm dia tido aku urut dia so dia jaga sekali jek mlm pahtu dekat subuh sekali lg...

PerantauSepi1306 said...

hmmmm yelah... u ol so lucky at least after 2 years with 2 -3 kids oready kan.. neway.. kalo ader milk still why don't pump it and give it to them whilst can.. yahhh kena warmkan sket, etc, etc but sayanglah nak tukau terus ke formula gitu ...

Sitie BUm BUm said...

ct cerai susu paling cepat antara sume adik beradik