Friday 6 May 2011

I lost my precious henpon..

Due to my own negligence, I lost my beloved muah muah henpon today. I accidentally left it in cafe's toilet. Hubby gave it to me in 2009 and I love this phone to the max. That's why I haven't jumped into BB & iphone thingy till today coz this baby has everything that I need.

See the phone ? That was 2 years ago while it's still in its shining glory & masih bau kedai...

I can't get over it, it's not so much of the phone but the contents. My address book, notes, recipes and important numbers (like kedai letrik punya secret code untuk tau harga modal kt pricetag :P) and the most precious things are the videos & pictures of the kids which I haven't copied to our lappy. Hannah dancing, Along singing....


ikan said...

Eh tak buat address book backup kat SP? Ya pandai nak tanya2 org padahal sendiri byk ilang nomot masa hp kong akibat suka save no kat hp's memory.

Tukang Campak said...

Mana pirgi komen aku tadi ?

Time ni terus keluar ayat sakti 'Nape la aku x backup ek?'. Serve me right. So much for reminding others to always backup their stuffs. Boohooo...

idasm said...

ilang hp mmg sakit. seme nombor ada dm tu.

simpati ke mu zie...

Tukang Campak said...

Da, memang sakit sangat. Ni tgh duk cari balik ah tapi sayang la nota2 aku dlm tu.