Sunday 22 May 2011

Let's talk about numbers...

17.05.2011 - 60.5
19.05.2011 - 58.5
20.05.2011 -58.0
21.05.2011 - 58.5
22.05.2011 - 59.0

Weekend is always the culprit. So next step..

- Should couple it up with gym. In the morning, no less.
- Should cut my trip to cafe for 4pm snack.
- Should drink more warm water after meals.
- Should start the lime juice trick. Apple cider oso can.

I should see number at least see 54 in 2 weeks time. Working with the 14-days menu now. Don't give the 'age' as an excuse...5 or 6 more to go....

Here, moi captured in the glory of 60
(disclaimer : baju kna tiup angin, motto biar 'semangat' tp jgn buncit wakakaka korang caya ke ??)


ikan said...

Lipo jek! Sila contact clinic Dr Ko got promotion some more! Baru je kuar wanita hari ini. Gila!
Tembam = huggable , dulu ada someone mention nak yg huggable, sapa yek??? Larikkkkk

ikan said...

Lipo jek! Sila contact clinic Dr Ko got promotion some more! Baru je kuar wanita hari ini. Gila!
Tembam = huggable , dulu ada someone mention nak yg huggable, sapa yek??? Larikkkkk

Tukang Campak said...

Hello, klinik dr ko ye, lipo satu !! Ideal at 45kg, huggable at 50-52kg. Hinnss hinnss *kejar tak dapat*

Amir Syafiqah said...

Zie, bru bca entry ni. Setuju, biar tembam asal perut tak boncit. Aku tgk gak wanita hari ini. Menarik Skin klinik tu, terasa nak buat rawatan licinkan kulit muka, bnyk sgt jeragat.

idasm said...

aku lagilah zie.. sejok2 ade anok ni.... dok ingat diet lasung doh..

dakpe2.. pah ni... hehe..

gud luck utk mu... hehe....