Monday 4 February 2008

Watchout !! Hiyarkhhh Hiyarkhh

Hanis very much interested in self-defense technique since she was around 4 y.0, she will go hiyarkhh here and hiyarkhh there especially after watching kungfu movies.

Last year, she begged us to let her join school's karate-do club (Sorry dear, ibu is not very fond of karate-do). So when she gave us the application form, we told her NO. This year, her perseverance continued. She shoved the same form. Again. And we said NO. Again. We told her that we're okay if it is taekwondo. Week after, she came home with yet another form. TAEKWONDO !!! Her school got that club oso ah ?? Ingatkan takde...huhu

True to our word...her dream came true (she's living my dream as well)...

Bow...Choonbi !!

Adan is keen to join, not sure whether he's really into it or simply because Along is doing it. 2nd reason is more likely hehe I can foresee myself being the umpire for 24x7 free sparring.

Down memory lane : I was only 1 step behind the black belt when $$$ forced me to abandon :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok la tu... bagus apa...
hannah pun join taekwando gak kat tadika dia... actually compulsory for all the kids...
so every wednesday, she'll be wearing that uniform...
oh sungguh la mamanya yg jeles sebab tak merasa blajor self defence...
-eline hamdan-