Wednesday 13 February 2008

My Very First...


Can u believe it, at 32 (for another 4mths hehe) I've decided that my butt deserves one. Others have loads of it for daily use and even stock on some designer brand but me, being so kedekut when it comes to my own outfit (except handbag hehe) can't take off my eyes from the price tag. Damn pricey...

However, to my humiliation, none of the ladies range can fit my thunderous thigh and I've to settle for the unisex. What a shame...need to buy belt because the waist is way too large for me. Waist size is a 'waste' thing on me...I need pants with thigh size hahaha


Kopi Suam said...

haahh haah I think I've the same problem with you...waist size doesn't matter...tight size matter most...

Tukang Campak said...

Tu laa...peha ku ini sungguh meriah. Tgk badan, salesman selamba jek rekomen saiz M & 27,28. Dia blom tgk mega-drumstick kat dalam haha

ikan said...

used to have the same probs before. thanks to iman coz akak dapat gak merasa slim cutting from funky label. btw, need to watch my diet now as dah rasa nak kembang balik.... i'm NOT ready to say goodbye to my miss sixty!