Saturday 9 February 2008

Progress Desa Gemilang Phase II Feb'08

Went up the hill to check on the progress.

Tiang letrik dah pacak, meter box dah pasang, switches dah install kat dinding. Meter air belum. They locked all units for safety. So we just have a peek inside.

meter air blom pasang

pink + flourescent green ??

suis sumer sudah pasang

Boleh bukak ke babah ??

Depan rumah diorang tambah mcm divider ala 'bunker'...tapi mine got 1 tiang letrik in it. Klu tanam pokok sure x lawa...but...if that is also a lamp post them I don't mind.

And this is the stupid bin compartment, memang konpem la aku hack. Apa ke hal la plak nak buang sampah kena keluar pagar. Phase 1 pun lawak gak. Comeei jek, boleh la masuk tong sampah kecik for office use kot hehe, tapi ada la pintu to access from inside..

MPS baru pacak papan peringatan reminding us that the developer had flouted few security requirement and they will not be liable on any mishaps. Mmmmm...

Yeah yeah...umah kita dah nak siap....!!
I'm not complaining (maybe I'm). Me being the buyer deserve what we paid for but we're more that grateful that we have a house to call HOME no matter how sucks the wormanship is and how long it takes to come to this level. Afterall, this is much much better than our current abode.


ya2 said...

zie, satu pesanan, jangan pindah uma ke angkat brg waktu malam.nanti org selalu pecah uma kita.aku da kena, 2 kali.tensen yarabbi..

lg satu, pasang alarm first.hehe


Tukang Campak said...

itula, aku baca cam ngeri jek. Thx for the ingatan.

Aku x pindah malam2 kot, sbb x de la desperate sgt nak masuk.

Bab alarm aku ada reference, adik aku polis os bleh la tnya mana yg bagus hehe

Anonymous said...

Insyallah tak lama lagi boleh duduk. Lagi ramai lagi meriah.