Thursday 11 August 2011

I re-learned my lesson - No PDA

Remember when I posted about my PDA with incik Suami here ?

I was carried away and buat posting ala orang takde ilmu. Ada, belajar dan tahu tapi tak apply dalam kehidupan until last weekend when I rearranged my book cabinet, I found the old book on marriage which I got during my Kursus Kahwin. Re-read. Re-read. And. Re-read. No PDA even in front of the kids. It's the most basic and we failed.

What I did all this while, dalam bahasa kasarnya = takde adab. Di luar adab-adab hubungan suami isteri. Tidak menghormati orang sekeliling. Of course la when we did it, there's nobody around us, but the fact that someone asked, meaning it's open enough to be seen.

I also watched video UstAzhar yang tgh glamer bg ceramah on UTiub. Walaupun halal it MAY lead to fitnah paling tak pun org menyampah esp to those yang not used to that. Perbuatan tu juga boleh dianggap tanda-tanda kehilangan sifat malu. Ouch !! Nothing to be ashamed about especially when admitting you're wrong, it's another phase of learning and re-learning.

So from now on, we have to limit our goodbyes (in public). More than that, do it in private (kalau stolen kiss boleh tak ??). Holdings hands is still allowed tho so jangan lepaskan ai sorang2 merayau di depan atau belakang kamu ye incik Soami.

There are no mistakes only lessons.


idasm said...

Biasalah.. Manusia x lepas dr buat silap..

ikan said...

Lepas ni kiss with the helmet on hehehe

Tukang Campak said...

ida : yup

ikan : laga2 helmet pun best kan ?this morning it was a bit awkward sbb mcm unfinished business, cium tgn cium pipi errr that's it. A peck on my cheek seems like harmless but will seek more ilmu...