Lepas penat handle kenduri arituh, aku penat yg amats, ilang selera nk berblog, apatah lagi nak sentuh gambar2 yang ratusan dlm harddisk. Bila tgk balik, manyak gak event yg jadik masa tuh.
So for the record, aku buat entry paling panjang di donia blog aku...ni kira sesambil meraikan kejayaan aku menyiapkan keje ahead of time la kekonon hahaha.
Next week aku kena jaga opis tau...sebab sumer org nk raya, aku je tak raya...
On her birthday, we had our routine makan2 with family members at PIL’s place. Ni memang acara wajib everytime besday sesape je lah in the family..

Time orang dok kecoh siapkan makanan ada org dah cucuk itu kek
Bila dah kasik chance, dia sebok hijack sate abang plak
It's your birthday, buatlah apa yang patut ngan kek tu
12 JULY 2008 - HANNAH and HER RIDE
Sungguh ku tak mampu menahan rindu ah ah percaya that we drove all the way to Klang to buy birthday present for a 2 years old. Obsessive sungguh. All because we’re transfixed with the idea of getting her a BO vehicle. Penat round G0mbak carik dah abis stok or simply hudus to our picky eyes. Ezzah then alerted me to the ASOG0 factory in her neighborhood. We have 1 BO patrol bike from the same co. which is still in good condition after more than 4 years except for missing side mirrors and walkie-talkie. So, we think that it is worth the petrol.
So we went, we bought and we came back. No stopping in between. Really worth it because you will be spoilt for choice. Rambang mata…the pink and purple one are cute overload but we chose safer color, an army green camouflage. It’s ok for girls to be a bit tough compared to boys who ride a pink car kan kan ?
Over there, we were surprised, just like the workers there, that Hannah can RIDE A BIKE ON HER OWN, she maneuvered her way through aisles and racks and happily cycled as if she’s very familiar when in fact, that’s her 1st time on bike. She don’t have her own tri-cycle like Along and Abang. Later, it was no surprise that we have to buy that bike because her hands were glued to the handles, so picking her up is as good as picking the bike as well, dua2 terangkat.

Nilah dia..the car

Her 1st beskal, minah ni rempit x hengat. Dari dapur pecut sampai depan baaaik punya
Our new place for pigging and face-stuffing,
Naili’s @ Sentul. Nice ambience and cool waiters. Their other outlets mainly man-made jungle within concrete but this one memang keliling semak samun pokok bagai..
Waiting time is depending on what you ordered but the trick is to get there as early as possible. We went out right after semayang Maghrib. Gombak to Sentul definitely seto’et jek dekatnya so by the time we reach the place, parking melambak and the pondok2 mostly unoccupied, siap boleh pilih2 lagiks. Food were served before Hannah transformed into a little monster.
Last time we went there for dinner with my brother, like almost 9pm, siap aku boleh tergolek2 baring tunggu order sampai. Overall good family eating place but don’t order super duper sweet rainbow drink or Pina Colada. Go for their choc ice blended, heavenly smooth chocholateeyyy

Itu choc ice blended is heaven, ais kacang biasa2 aja..cantonese k.teow out

Budak kicik tgh pancing ais...
Aku x follow pon yang 1st, tapi anak teruna aku and babahnya memang la minat ini cerita, makanya aku pon follow je la, but now i think i loike..haha very the cute citer nih walopon skali tgk cam ganazz gile. Adan suka la sangat, as you know anything RED…

Suka dia, siap soh amek gambo pistol yg gabak tu skali
For those yg dah tgk the movie. THAT song got stuck in my head for days…'I can’t smile without you, can’t smile without you …'. Lagi la Adan suka sbbnya he’s already hooked to this song when he was about 3,4 yrs old.
Instead of getting oven cum microwave on my birthday, I got bibik instead. How precious is that.
Having someone to host a party for you is even more precious hahaha...no lah, kebetulan her youngest doter's birthday was on the 19th, memula dia nak buat on the day itself tapi since ramai member yg takde termasuk aku maka terpaksa la buat the next day. Last minute arrangement gak tuh sbb based on our YM chat all food order blabla done just few days before the date, that's why very limited crowd la kot. Sempat ku request nasik minyak..hehe thx ezzah for the marbeles food.
On the day, we dragged ourselves out of the bed on my birthday to pick our new bibik at LCCT. So, no breakfast-in-bed for me. More likely breakfast-in-car .

Ni jelah gambar yg 'decent' sket...kang aku letak yg lain ko kata aku letak gambar muka sengal ko Dd..hehe. Click for bigger pix
Since I've decided to follow my frens' advice (to get the microwave for free when we buy other bigger stuffs for the new house), so the $$$ is now safely tucked in my bank account. Thanx Ayang .