Thursday 4 September 2008

Very delayed Wedding Entry - The Finale

Aku x prasan aku x upload lagi gambar majlis kat KL hehe. So, last entry for the wedding…akhirnya…

Majlis kat KL, buat kat dewan, senang sebab x yah nak risau umah bersepah ke apa ke post-kenduri. Tak yah buat bilik pengantin, tak yah risau nak carik space bagi anak beranak tido.

All Jusoh's clan came in full force, my parents looked after Hannah while me kicked-off the event at 10am with Marhaban. My sisters managed the bunga telur for guests. My 2 brothers jadik tukang pegang bunga manggar and handled photo/video stuffs. My 2 kids jadik a la flower girl (Adan kata dia 'leaf boy'). All in all...I can feel the love. Zillion thanx to them for coming all the way to be my backbone.

Full force, past midnite

Sticker yang tempah last minute

Bakul hasil kerastangan ku, last minute jugak

2.12AM still kat dewan. SIL's fren buatkan arch FOC

Before event, caterer set-up meja pengantin

cenderahati untuk tamu kecik dan besau

little waiter of the day

Little princess yang nervous

I made her a new headgear to suit the theme color

Perantin sampai, pengapit bidan terjun

'eh Along..kita nak buat apa ngan bunga nih ??'

End of day main crew ngan newlywed - fuhh legaa


Ayu Mohamad said...

syiokkkkkkkk nengok org kawen :)
mesti penat eh Zie..
anyway.. tahniah semuanya selamat.. alhamdulillah

PerantauSepi1306 said...

wahh all blue, eh zie... dengo ko citer cam sangat ponek yooo ;D

the lil lady and hadsome boy look so cute together.. tak amiks ke gambar they all sesama.. leh besarkan in 12R and frame then letak kat dinding...

Anonymous said...

gambo mung sume muka kepenatan yg amat dr majlis kt kuantan.. sabo je la.. how i wish anok dara aku still nok pakai gaun... huhuhu..

ikan said...

kalau lengan gaun tu pendek sket sure lagi cute... tu la..anak dara korang ni mmg muslimah berkhemah la... baguih..baguih...

si tonet hannah tak join melempar bunga ker?

eh kim salam sama pengapit (tua) hahaha....

Tukang Campak said...

Ayu thx, selamat semuanya....

Sydde & Ezz - ye penat thp gaban tuhan aje yg tau. Pix can tell a thousand wordskan hahaha Gambr2 sumer aku dh x peduliks sbb byk giler benda nk handle. Kamera pn aku x tau ngan sapa.

Dd & Ezz - Time ni je la dia nak pakai sbb dlm kepala imagine those fairytale stuffs, lain hari sori. Gaun ori lengan pendek, cantik tp masa tempah wedding adik aku kt Ganu sumer cousinnya nk lengan 3/4 & labuh so kena la seragamkan. Recycle, aku tukar new lace & flowerbuds ikut kaler tema. Hannah lempar kasut ngan pinggan bleh la...