Monday 29 September 2008

Ayang, Happy Birthday..

By now, it's already a belated one.

He's 34 on Saturday (27 Sept), but still looks as good and yummy as before.

Being an insensitive wifey that I am. I forgot to wish him until the next day...tu pun dah cruel much for thinking/planning about it for weeks, then tiba harinya, aku hilang ingatan. Sungguh la tidak happening besday Ayang tahun ni kan ? Even masa beratur beli mkn sahur kat Mali's C0rner dari pkl 3 - 4.30am pun x terpikir nak wish.

Sori ye yang but I still love you muahha muahss. So ignore my once too often cold shoulder treatment given to you. Maklumla nak cecah 10 tahun ni mula la kan ada kureng sana sini, ampun...

No more cards for him, penat carik & beli mahal2 pastu jumpa kat ceruk mana2 ntah, takpun dh kena conteng ngan bebudak. That's original, memang itulah dia Man L***q yang ku kenali sejak 15 tahun dulu.

To add a few degrees to my 'cruel'ness, I've yet to buy him any gift. Last year, it was so easy to buy him one because he was complaining about his sunglasses bla bla. Very obvious choice. But this year...waaah sungguh fenin mau decide. At first nak la cuba taktik surprise surprise gitu...tapi rasanya cannot lah. In the end I texted him and let him choose either 1 out of 3 options.

He got to choose whether he wants :

  1. Wet suit (tp jgn asik gi dive tiggal anak bini plak)
  2. Underwater casing for our Can0n Ixus 850IS (it's time, decided that we won't upgrade our P&
  3. THREE ( damn..3 pieces) ManU kit ( home, away and champion league final)

My toy boy decided that he wanted the 1st one so that I can save my ciput budget because he can get it at 20% discount through our good friend, Incik Labore. Selamat duit aku What a considerate hubby...Jangan dia pi ambik yang top range udah...tehehe

Yang sebenar2nya sbb hadiah no. 2 tak crucial sgt bcoz his sister dah ada. So nak gi dive trip boleh cilok je la cume her camera is a bit old tapi still ok. Yang last tu plak, the sister will buy during her Eur0pe trip next month, I just offered to sponsor but since duit dah bagi pon kat adiknya maka he said no need lah. Kiranya he'll buy the MU kits whether I buy for him or not.

Sebelum aku melalut lagi, this entry dedicated for you my dear hubby. I may not be the most romantic wife or the perfect mommy for our kids but I am one who will love you no matter what. We waded, struggled and survived the tough time when we were still bertenet and newly married. Now that you're wiser, sabar-er and xxx-er, I love you even more.

I will be praying and wishing that you'll be strong enuff to handle me and the kids until the next coming birthday. and the next one..and another one...till death do us part (sediakan bekas muntah kwn2). You complete me hahaha (ini ayat masuk movie Dark Kn1ght tau...ilang romantis zmn2 citer Jerry Magu1re...) .

SeLaMAt HarI Lah1R, aYanG


Anonymous said...

hahaha.. ni la entry yg man suh aku bloghopping... kihkihkih...

Hanum said...

hepi besday 2 ur hubby... hehehe.. no surprise present... hehhee.. very typical one. Mcm lakik aku jugak ler kiranye...

Ayu Mohamad said...

Payah tau nak beli adiah org laki nih hahahahaha
pompuan sennag ada banyakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk yang boleh dijadikan adiah hehehe

Anyway Happy Besday ler pada suamimmu yer Zie..

weii nanti jgn tak join plak kite nya Open House tauu

rizan said...

Ohh tidak...aku lg awai wished him zie?? Hahahaha....

Kopi Suam said...

kih kih kih tak nak muntah le zie tapi nak tergelak beso...

happy birthday Man..semoga panjang umur murah rezeki..and bahagia dengan Zie hingga akhir hayat amin...

PerantauSepi1306 said...

epi besday gak to man.. a very belated one... semoga berbahagai sentiasa dengan keluarga tercinta ;D

Tukang Campak said...

TQ TQ kwn2 for the du'a..moga2 panjang umor murah rezeki incik Man L*y*q kita ni.

Mmg betol kan, payah carik adiah org laki ni. Ngan bajet ciput lagi la payah...

Nazed : Aku prefer hang wish dia dr awek mana2 ntah haha