Friday 15 June 2007

Wisana Redang - Day 3

Early to bed, late to rise hehe but not for me, I had 1 morning person in the clan, whoelse...Hannah Montana not a chance to shut my eyes for extra hours.

While waiting for them to wake up, me and baby spend our time singing lullabys and nursery rhymes on the hammock. Before long, she wriggled and wrestled to get down on the ground. Nak main pasir la tu...After breakfast, babah decided to have his Discovery done that day. He got Abg Asang to guide him. The kids need no instruction, they will kecebur into the water whenever they wish. As for me, I had tonnes of wet clothes and things scattered all over the chalet to pack into our tiny bag and backpacks.
Once done, I went to lepak2 at the dive centre while waiting for them to finish with their unsatiable passion with water. I had to drag them out from the water so that we can make it on time for the boat. It's oredi 11am and boat will pick us up around 12noon !!

Boat to mainland was one uncomfortable boat, it was like a mini bus because they picked up a local villagers as well, luckily this one was faster. We reached the jetty after I sweat like boxer. Hannah was one good gurl, she stayed dozed all the way.

Even though we were tired with almost zero energy level, we decided to head to KT to get some keropok before going back to my mom's house. The next morning, I went to my kedai emas to get a bracelet, a gift from hubby. TQ TQ. Normally we leave the house for KL very early in the morning, however we decided to delay the journey to give the kids some extra time with their cousins. We only left after Zohor and stopped to a refuel ourselves at Hentian Temerloh.

Over there, much to Adan's delight, army trucks lining up the parking lot. The trucks even moved in sequence, mcm org berbaris plak.

Until then, I'll share the post-vacation damage as well as some lesson learnt next week. Tomorrow is the start of MegaSale 2007. Hubby hinted that we have got some shopping to do. Anything honey, as long as shopping is concern. hahahahaha


ikan said...

eh itu discovery awat nampak pasir saja? di air cetek kah? hehehe.
kim salam sama man, daku juga telah melihat garupa yg besar itu!
sukalah hannah montana, a brave girl indeed!.
keep on posting!

Anonymous said...

Ye le,nama pon discovery,ada org berangan nak amek lesen. Start kat shore dulu, pastu baru pi deeper. Pizah x pakai suit pun masa amek gambor, so dia x follow Man.

Memang Hannah sesedap rasa redah ombak, paling suka time ombak sampai, merah2 mata. Salute dia x demam x apa. Booked the chalet again end Aug hehhe

ikan said...

wah..wah....keep on visiting there yek?
awat tak try tmpt lain plak...tukar angin...
daku ada satu perangai yg kureng suka mengulang tmpt sama tak kira best or tu lah.. kena kompromi la pulak ngan chenta or family members yg belum penah sampai kan...

Anonymous said...

Pi situ balik sbb nak bwk the whole Jusoh's clan.

For Redang that's the only place la kot, nak try Berjaya tapi x privacy la, time gi snorkeling ala2 pi pasar borong, pastu the best, quietest beach and dive spot remains at Wisana.

So your next holiday spot mana ? Kami aim KK