Friday 22 June 2007

Congratulations Sis, Malacca here I come...

I was so busy since Monday, not because of the office task (I'm handling 3-persons job). But doing all online stuffs meant for student. PTPTN, UITM, MUET and what not.

My sister had completed her BBA Dip from Uitm and offered a place in Uitm Melaka due to her choice of program i.e Marketing. I told her to opt for insurance or International business so that she can do it in S.Alam campus and possibility of getting job is easier. I can even recommend her to my HR if the result is excellent. But still...she's the one who is going to do it all, so let her decide for herself. I can only advise and bengkek when she decided not to listen hehehe I've got another idea for her, finish the degree, get the KPLI and jadi cikgu. The pay is not bad and don't forget all those allowances. It was too late for me when I was presented with the $$, but there's still light at the end of the tunnel, instead of Cikgu Roselina, we can have Cikgu Roselini ;)

Put that aside, she did it well despite being 'f r a g i le' all the way. CONGRATULATIONS, I'm PROUD of YOU. We gonna have 2 graduates in the family. Ma and Abah will definitely the proudest.

I pity all those students who have limited access to the net because now almost everything is online. Exam result, offer letter, course registration, forms, bills, applications. FYI, PTPTN no longer accept the manual OMR form, no choice, you have to apply online and the process was so tricky that even me who can be considered tersangatlah celik IT pun having a headache. Tu belum kira time server tgh heavy load.

I can understand the reason why they don't allow applicants to freely type the input, i.e. reduce the error. But I don't understand why they have to click a button and wait for a new window pop-up and sometimes, that little window will have another button which will give birth to another tiny window. Just to have an input as simple as Hubungan : Bapa. Have you ever heard of a drop-down ? I called my fren over there and she confirmed that the server was having its bad day due to last minute applications. Excuse me, I've been trying for 3 days just to finish 1 page. I have to wait 1/2 day for the tiny window to display list of IPTs. Mind you, I'm on broadband.

We'll do it tomorrow from the office though it is Saturday, we'll finish it off and have our favorite nasi lemak bawah jambatan. Canteeeklah. My dial-up bandwitdh just too cute to handle that and our fixed line died on us.

So guys, I'm off to Malacca on 8th July (that's my elder sis's besday) and might be staying there for the night. Bawak Ma and Abah jalan2, I think their last visit when I was in Form 2. That's about 18years..

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