Thursday 21 June 2007


Damages :

RM600 for 2 adults + 2 kids + 1 baby (all in – 3N2D chalet, food, boat, trips )
RM1.5k for 1 heavy gold bracelet !!
RM100++ for petrol
Few hundreds more for the family
Minimum of 7 loads of laundry, the folding part has yet to settle until we need the item again.

We did not spent a single $$ while we were in Redang. The damages were more or less happened at Pasar Payang. Tu pun kami turun berdua je and direct pi regular stall to borong the keropok keping and get some local snacks (dodol and kuih sema). The keropoks were not for us but since my SIL promised some of her friends to get it, so the only option is to load up in our car. She traveled by bus, remember ?

Right after we left the jetty, we stopped by at our favorite keropok lekor station Keropok Sukaramai somewhere in Mengabang Lekor, if you’re coming from KT or airport-borne road (Seberang Takir), this place is further up. Our favorite is actually the fresh made keropok fried without being boiled first. After gentel torus masuk kuali…slurp yummeh..Hanis can finish more than 5 pieces of that 15cm-fish-laden keropok lekor in one sitting. So for 3 of us we need at least RM5 of it, about 25 pieces.

Lesson Learnt and Proven Tips

Travel light even when you have a baby.
Don’t bother to bring nice clothing, swimsuit rules
Bring your baby-carrier along, my sling is the best thing that I brought there
Use wrinkle-free tudung or opt for key/scarf/cap
Don’t wear light color pants with bright color panties
Don’t forget some snacks for the kids, or maggi cawan hehe
Sunblock, sunblock, sunblock (used my face moist@SPF60)
Don’t bring your sister or mom during your visit to goldsmith
Tell the kids that you’ll replace the car with a lorry if they don’t behave
Bring some fast beat CDs if you travel the East Coast Hiway via Jabor/K.Berang
That's it, I'm having a 'heavy' day of my life. Got a post drafted about my recent nighmare but haven't completed the whole thing.


ikan said...

itu damage mostly by the emas2 thingy... wah..wah..wah... skang dah bleh join mami jarum? hehehehe

daku suka layan seafood + lekor goreng kat ketapang sambil ditiup bayu laut!

our next trip will be kk, flight tics settled, tinggal accommodation sajek. spt biasalah memendekkan senarai chenta for tmpt2 belum dilawati. oh, and pavillion pd dah beli package during matta fair tp lom booked lagi.

Anonymous said...

yeah...the gold thingy aside, kitorang pn x caya we only spend that much. Mami jarum ? yang ini pun asik bukak jek. Reserve time ada kenduri ngan makcik2 hehe

seafood ngan ketapang sounds like kedai celup tepung kat Rhu 10 jek. Our fav too.

Bila layan KK ? PD aku pakai resort baru BNM la...