Friday 15 June 2007

I'm Pissed Off

Can I swear on my blog ?

I'm mad and definately hangin satu badan when the hubby called and told me that our daughter 'terberak dalam kain'. Don't's not funny.

But why ? My daughter is one who can tahan the urge for more than few hours esp. when we're traveling unless she caught a diarrhea or really serious bout or stomachache.

When probed she said that the teacher asked her to 'tahan dulu' until another student who went earlier came back. What kind of rules is that ? She can't tahan anymore and accidentally settle 'the business' in the class. What a humiliation for a 7 years old. The teacher than asked her to wash and come back to class. OMG . This is not the 'kincit' kind of thing. Other schools they provided an extra uniform that need to be returned. I don't mind paying. or at least call our number to pick up the kid.

She had to endure all the humiliation, not to mention the smell, all the way until the class end. This really shook her confidence level. Luckily tomorrow is Saturday.

When I called the school they said, it was to deter a student from cheating. I confronted and said there are many ways to deter cheating but not allowing student to visit the loo is not one of the option.

I’m waiting for the teacher to call me this afternoon to know her side of the story, so that I can conclude and rest my case. Eventhough I'm mad but I have to be fair to the teacher and school as well. It could be just between me and the teacher but it can be between me and the principal. We’ll see..

Thanx god, I managed not to swear

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