Tuesday 26 June 2007

The day that I made CupPiEs

Yeehaaa...to my dear friend, Dd, you're my inspiration. Hehe at last setelah sekian lama barang + bahan kek aku terperuk dlm cabinet, akhirnya aku gagahkan diri untuk menggodek and made my very 1st cuppies when the clock is ticking past midnight.

I cheated on the cake part, I use the ready-mix, local brand Nona, instead of my regular Devil's Choc. So we just need some water, butter and eggs. The mix turned out to be a bit watery and me just decided to pop it into my loyal Pensonic oven and see what's the outcome. It came out perfect and moist.

Fresh from the oven
While for the frosting, I took a recipe from Wilton's site and the result was not to my liking. Super sweet but it got the body, maintain jek. I'll get a new recipe that use less sugar. Dd...any frosting tips ?

The kids hopped in and can't get enuff of the topping/icing. I let them decorate their own cup. We love every moment of it except the post-baking cleaning. So here we go...

My lil' kitchen helpers

Now you can feast your eyes on my super sweet moist cuppies. Made in Gombak. This batch we decided to play with only 1 color that is pink. Adan was asking for blue and green since I have it in stock but maybe next time.

These are...

my very 1st...


and I'm...

PrOuD of myself

Friday 22 June 2007

Congratulations Sis, Malacca here I come...

I was so busy since Monday, not because of the office task (I'm handling 3-persons job). But doing all online stuffs meant for student. PTPTN, UITM, MUET and what not.

My sister had completed her BBA Dip from Uitm and offered a place in Uitm Melaka due to her choice of program i.e Marketing. I told her to opt for insurance or International business so that she can do it in S.Alam campus and possibility of getting job is easier. I can even recommend her to my HR if the result is excellent. But still...she's the one who is going to do it all, so let her decide for herself. I can only advise and bengkek when she decided not to listen hehehe I've got another idea for her, finish the degree, get the KPLI and jadi cikgu. The pay is not bad and don't forget all those allowances. It was too late for me when I was presented with the $$, but there's still light at the end of the tunnel, instead of Cikgu Roselina, we can have Cikgu Roselini ;)

Put that aside, she did it well despite being 'f r a g i le' all the way. CONGRATULATIONS, I'm PROUD of YOU. We gonna have 2 graduates in the family. Ma and Abah will definitely the proudest.

I pity all those students who have limited access to the net because now almost everything is online. Exam result, offer letter, course registration, forms, bills, applications. FYI, PTPTN no longer accept the manual OMR form, no choice, you have to apply online and the process was so tricky that even me who can be considered tersangatlah celik IT pun having a headache. Tu belum kira time server tgh heavy load.

I can understand the reason why they don't allow applicants to freely type the input, i.e. reduce the error. But I don't understand why they have to click a button and wait for a new window pop-up and sometimes, that little window will have another button which will give birth to another tiny window. Just to have an input as simple as Hubungan : Bapa. Have you ever heard of a drop-down ? I called my fren over there and she confirmed that the server was having its bad day due to last minute applications. Excuse me, I've been trying for 3 days just to finish 1 page. I have to wait 1/2 day for the tiny window to display list of IPTs. Mind you, I'm on broadband.

We'll do it tomorrow from the office though it is Saturday, we'll finish it off and have our favorite nasi lemak bawah jambatan. Canteeeklah. My dial-up bandwitdh just too cute to handle that and our fixed line died on us.

So guys, I'm off to Malacca on 8th July (that's my elder sis's besday) and might be staying there for the night. Bawak Ma and Abah jalan2, I think their last visit when I was in Form 2. That's about 18years..

Thursday 21 June 2007


Damages :

RM600 for 2 adults + 2 kids + 1 baby (all in – 3N2D chalet, food, boat, trips )
RM1.5k for 1 heavy gold bracelet !!
RM100++ for petrol
Few hundreds more for the family
Minimum of 7 loads of laundry, the folding part has yet to settle until we need the item again.

We did not spent a single $$ while we were in Redang. The damages were more or less happened at Pasar Payang. Tu pun kami turun berdua je and direct pi regular stall to borong the keropok keping and get some local snacks (dodol and kuih sema). The keropoks were not for us but since my SIL promised some of her friends to get it, so the only option is to load up in our car. She traveled by bus, remember ?

Right after we left the jetty, we stopped by at our favorite keropok lekor station Keropok Sukaramai somewhere in Mengabang Lekor, if you’re coming from KT or airport-borne road (Seberang Takir), this place is further up. Our favorite is actually the fresh made keropok fried without being boiled first. After gentel torus masuk kuali…slurp yummeh..Hanis can finish more than 5 pieces of that 15cm-fish-laden keropok lekor in one sitting. So for 3 of us we need at least RM5 of it, about 25 pieces.

Lesson Learnt and Proven Tips

Travel light even when you have a baby.
Don’t bother to bring nice clothing, swimsuit rules
Bring your baby-carrier along, my sling is the best thing that I brought there
Use wrinkle-free tudung or opt for key/scarf/cap
Don’t wear light color pants with bright color panties
Don’t forget some snacks for the kids, or maggi cawan hehe
Sunblock, sunblock, sunblock (used my face moist@SPF60)
Don’t bring your sister or mom during your visit to goldsmith
Tell the kids that you’ll replace the car with a lorry if they don’t behave
Bring some fast beat CDs if you travel the East Coast Hiway via Jabor/K.Berang
That's it, I'm having a 'heavy' day of my life. Got a post drafted about my recent nighmare but haven't completed the whole thing.

Friday 15 June 2007

Wisana Redang - Day 3

Early to bed, late to rise hehe but not for me, I had 1 morning person in the clan, whoelse...Hannah Montana la...so not a chance to shut my eyes for extra hours.

While waiting for them to wake up, me and baby spend our time singing lullabys and nursery rhymes on the hammock. Before long, she wriggled and wrestled to get down on the ground. Nak main pasir la tu...After breakfast, babah decided to have his Discovery done that day. He got Abg Asang to guide him. The kids need no instruction, they will kecebur into the water whenever they wish. As for me, I had tonnes of wet clothes and things scattered all over the chalet to pack into our tiny bag and backpacks.
Once done, I went to lepak2 at the dive centre while waiting for them to finish with their unsatiable passion with water. I had to drag them out from the water so that we can make it on time for the boat. It's oredi 11am and boat will pick us up around 12noon !!

Boat to mainland was one uncomfortable boat, it was like a mini bus because they picked up a local villagers as well, luckily this one was faster. We reached the jetty after I sweat like boxer. Hannah was one good gurl, she stayed dozed all the way.

Even though we were tired with almost zero energy level, we decided to head to KT to get some keropok before going back to my mom's house. The next morning, I went to my kedai emas to get a bracelet, a gift from hubby. TQ TQ. Normally we leave the house for KL very early in the morning, however we decided to delay the journey to give the kids some extra time with their cousins. We only left after Zohor and stopped to a refuel ourselves at Hentian Temerloh.

Over there, much to Adan's delight, army trucks lining up the parking lot. The trucks even moved in sequence, mcm org berbaris plak.

Until then, I'll share the post-vacation damage as well as some lesson learnt next week. Tomorrow is the start of MegaSale 2007. Hubby hinted that we have got some shopping to do. Anything honey, as long as shopping is concern. hahahahaha

Wisana Redang - Day 2

After breakfast, the brood hit the water while waiting for our snorkeling trip to Marine Park. Pepagi lagi dah dah siap ngan swimsuit. Luckily we got Aciq and Che Nik (my sis), they were my nannies.

x sabar2 to hit the water and sand

We left the beach a bit late to avoid peak hour rush i.e. 9am. Upon reaching the area, umang aiii….gila ramai org. It reminds me of the scene in Titanic when all the bodies floating in a freezing ocean ehehe except that this one wearing colorful jacket, alive and kicking.

On the boat to Marine Park

Abg Asang took the kids one at a time, and taught them how to snorkel, equipped with the goggle and roti to feed the fish. I pulled my courage to put on the snorkeling gear and said my prayer. For those who don’t know : I’m phobia to open water (sea, river, huge longkang, flood) TQ. So, I held onto my SIL’s like never before. She’s a diver, so I put my life in her hand !!! FYI, I had my life-jacket on kakkaka!! I’m sure she’ll laughing at me for panicking after my leg was pulled under the water. I was in the water for less than 10 minutes before I started to feel suffocated and asked her to pull me to the nearest tangga. You can laugh at me too...

Adan had his share of snorkeling with Pakcik Asang

Babah had his historic moment, he snorkled to the famous shipwreck with his sister and halfway thru he abandoned the life-jacket and swam back to the shore. He saw a giant garoupa there and he kept on telling the same story and I have to keep my ears shut !! Just kidding, good for you Yang, I’m proud of my hubby. We went back to Wisana and had our lunch, and the kids refused to stop burning themselves. Let them be lah. Next agenda of the day is Long Beach. I told hubby I surrendered and used Hannah as an excuse. It works everytime. Sorry little one, mommy used you once too often lately.

While waiting for our boat

I love this shot (and the guy..)

Jeng Jeng so this is Abg Asang the owner

While they hopped onto the boat I comfort myself by doing the ‘wifey’ things until I fell asleep with Hannah only to be awoken by hubby to join them again on the beach. X reti penat ke budak2 ni ? But, I’m so proud of Hanis and Adan. How 2 very penakut kids are now very comfortable even with a chest deep water. Some said, it was nothing since the had their jacket on, but for those who knew them well, it was an ACHIEVEMENT.

Both of them doing the showing off

To end the post, I would like to present to you, Miss Hannah Raudah a.k.a Miss Makan Pasir or is it Miss Jiwang Karat, another shot that I think is the best, but it doesn't do justice to the crystal clear water because of the timing (nak Maghrib aoredi). We'll comeback for more shots..

The day ended early for them kids. Haaa..sapa suruh main dari pagi sampai senja. Seriously, they just stopped for lunch, even kuih cik mek molek had to be served on the beach. Both of them can't help but fell asleep on dinner. We (my sis ekceli) sent them to bed. Our dinner was one heavy dinner. They served BBQ, fresh fish and squid as well some chicwings. Since my SIL can access the kitchen she even sent some squid to be 'celup tepung'ed by the cook. Sluuurp. Not only that, we were treated with a breathtaking view of moonlight on the horizon. Psst !! We missed the sunrise this time around.

Wisana Redang - Day 1

We reached our beloved hometown around 9pm++ after countless of scolding, wriggling, crying sessions with the kids. Ada harapan sambar Wish dulu sblm rumah siap ni karang…penat siot travel jauh2 for more than 6hrs naik keter sempit. Especially when you have 3 kids who can’t differentiate a car with a house !! They jumped, the played, they screamed, they punched and kicked as they wish while Babah maneuvered the Spectra at 130Kph. We’d love to travel by plane but thinking of the prospect of traveling all the way to LCCT and not being able to go out while we are in kampung, we decided to drive. My SIL boarded the bus the same night, she will wait for us at the Merang jetty.

Day 1
The next morning, we had some nasik berlauk for breakfast. Aku x sempat makan sbb sebok siapkan budak2 and make sure I didn’t miss any important stuffs like thermos, formula and diapers. We left the house for the jetty around 8am++ . My SIL was there and rushed us to the parking lot, the ferry was ready to take off and we’re the last passenger !! Aiyaa…we have to attend time management course la…

We boarded a ferry because we had Hannah to consider. Our seats were not that comfy and the noise was so unbearable. I can feel my body bergetar2 all the way to the island.

Discovery : They also got a ‘roadblock’ at sea, the maritime patrol team will watch over boat operators who’s breaking the law. In our case, the passengers were not wearing any life jacket. The jackets were available but who wanna put it on when the temperature was like hot sunny day. The sea-patrol traveled in a high-speed boat that resembles a hovercraft. I’m so impressed to the point of staring at them when then climbed onto the ferry. They’re such a polite officer…they smiled said sorry and thanx, that’s a rare attitude for a law enforcer, isn’t it ?

We reached our destination, Wisana Redang in Teluk Kalong Kecil around 11am++, the owner, Abg Hassan@Asang is our family friend. I was so mesmerized with the beauty and totally forgot to capture the best view from the ferry until it was too late. The moment we stepped on the white sand, I’ve decided that this gonna be our lil’ haven for times to come.

Had to wait at the canteen@cafe while waiting for the guest to check-out. Less than 15 minutes, Hanis and Adan tugged my shirt, nak mandi….nak mandi..aiyooo. In our chalet, I did what I do best, organized ‘what should be where’ because they have no wardrobe to offer. This is a no-frills resort, whaddaya expect ? you won’t spend so much time in there anyway. They rest of them went to snorkel somewhere nearby, I think further up the-too-commercialized Marine Park.

They came back when it was almost dark, smiling and continued playing at the beach. I grabbed Hannah and let her enjoy the sea and sand much to her joy. The son loves Sandman from Spidey 3 so much and he couldn’t contained his excitement, rolled on the sand and declared his love to ‘the sand’…in exact word “Adan love sand!!”, oh my hopelessly romantic son.

Sand castle yang x jadik2

One happy Sandman

The water gurl

She bulldozed all our worries, tough & brave

After dinner, went back to chalet while some of them stayed for ASTRO, got nursing to do.

LCCT in Sepang or Seremban ?

Our trip to LCCT started a bit late, but we’re sure we can manage that and arrive on time for check-in and some drama airmata. We rode in 2 cars, my SIL aka Aciq drove my MIL, Bibik, Hannah (sleeping in gendong ) and luggage. However, our next long journey to Terengganu for much needed vacation in Pulau Redang have to start a bit late (after 2pm) due to some ‘technical error’. My SIL missed the KLIA exit !! OMG…Considering that she’s the one who frequented the route almost every other month, I just can’t believe when she said that she’s heading Seremban !! The best part is that, check-in counter is closing in 20 minutes time. Gosh !! The hubby was clearly upset and I avoided talking to him for fear that he mistaken me for the sister, kang aku plak kena bambu hehe. I talked to the officer and managed to hold a passenger boarding, but he said that luggage will have to be sent by courier. That’s impossible according to Bibik. To cut the story short, they didn’t make it and we (hubby) spent another RM320 for a flight scheduled at 4.30pm. Apart from that, the SIL had to endure the brothers fury and she got to pay the price by staying there and ensure that Bibik board the plane safely. Kesian mak, they have to find a spot to lepak for another 4 hours. Sakit pinggang orang tua tu..

Discovery : McDonalds Hotcake is HOT HOT HOT, I like….it is so soft and gebu, the kids love it so much. Since I tapau the pancake, they put it in a Styrofoam container that looks like a tray with a cover, mmm nice packaging. It has 3 medium size pancakes, accompanied by 2 mini-tubs of butter and one larger tub of golden syrup. We were too busy eating and I totally had no mood to snap any pix. Will do it later. The downside of it : It costs me RM 9++ for 3 medium size pancakes, maybe the container cost half the price. Maybe…

I'm Pissed Off

Can I swear on my blog ?

I'm mad and definately hangin satu badan when the hubby called and told me that our daughter 'terberak dalam kain'. Don't laugh...it's not funny.

But why ? My daughter is one who can tahan the urge for more than few hours esp. when we're traveling unless she caught a diarrhea or really serious bout or stomachache.

When probed she said that the teacher asked her to 'tahan dulu' until another student who went earlier came back. What kind of rules is that ? She can't tahan anymore and accidentally settle 'the business' in the class. What a humiliation for a 7 years old. The teacher than asked her to wash and come back to class. OMG . This is not the 'kincit' kind of thing. Other schools they provided an extra uniform that need to be returned. I don't mind paying. or at least call our number to pick up the kid.

She had to endure all the humiliation, not to mention the smell, all the way until the class end. This really shook her confidence level. Luckily tomorrow is Saturday.

When I called the school they said, it was to deter a student from cheating. I confronted and said there are many ways to deter cheating but not allowing student to visit the loo is not one of the option.

I’m waiting for the teacher to call me this afternoon to know her side of the story, so that I can conclude and rest my case. Eventhough I'm mad but I have to be fair to the teacher and school as well. It could be just between me and the teacher but it can be between me and the principal. We’ll see..

Thanx god, I managed not to swear

Wednesday 13 June 2007

Kiddo talks

One beautifool day

Adan : Ibu, 'splash' tu apa ?
Ibu : errrr...mmm..terpercik, like I wanna splash you with some water...ibu nak percikkan air kat Adan
Adan : errmm ok, Adan suka ayam splash
Ibu : What ?
Adan : Ayam splash...
Ibu : ????
Hanis : Bukan ayam splash la Adan, splashed chicken, ayam percik..kan ibu ?