Tuesday 1 June 2010

Jgn lupa beli air bandung...

Kata Along & Adan bila aku ckp aku nak pegi Bandung hehe

Mana :: Bandung, Indonesia
Bila :: 28 - 30 May 2010
Siapa :: Opismate (9 of us)- originally 12

Yeah..that was my 1st trip to negara jiran and I gotta say...I'm lovin' it !! Haha

Bandung is fun when you have the money to spend, so sila menabung dgn jayanya so that you'll get the satisfying feeling instead of feeling stress coz you ran out of rupiah. Jgn risau2, you can always 'gesek' your cc, most shops in Pasar Baru now accept cc. Penat aku kira2 rupiah sbb pening ngan multiple zeros + nak convert dlm kepala..awek jual telekung dgn manisnya ckp.'kakak, gesek aja..ga usah pening2' haha pandai la kau

Seriuosly, is it really cheap ? Some stuffs yeah esp in Pasar Baru but FOs were below expectation. I bought a lot sbb nak raya, not because it's cheap. Maklum la aku ni dah biasa beli brg FO kat KL so baju anak2 aku yg aku dh ada byk gak kat sana and the price ? Mmmm I can get it at 1/2 the price in KL. Blaus Gap Hannah aku beli rm12, sana rm35. Cuma KL tak jumpa lagi baju2 Zara Kids, so aku rembat la.

Tapi kalau dah namanya shopping haruslah seronok, mana x seronok bawak paperbag kiri kanan tapi kejap je la sbb supir efficient sungguh, nampak plastik cenonet kat tangan pun b'lari dia ambikkan...adoi baru nak rasa mcm Becky Bloomwood.

We stayed at H0tel Utar1 in Jln Dag0, which is now officially off the list due to hygenic reason :P no buffet breakfast. For the next trip (apa??? lakiku pengsan) will try to get Rumah Eb0 jgk..Hehe

Supir 2 org, Yayan & Redy, Mas ya bukan Pak..masih anak2 muda hahaha very sopan-santun and know the roads well. But then bila macet, no matter how good your supir is, you still get stuck. We went during the weekend which is a BIG HUGE MONSTEROUS mistake. Time spent on the road was almost as good as time spent in FOs.

Antara yg sempat cover Pasar Baru, Rumah Mode, Happening, Episode, Jetset, Heritage, Summit, Secret, Branded Outlet, Lavie, DSE, Kg Daun, Nasi Pdg Sederhana, Paris Van Java, Spa Rogers....banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak lagi x sempat due to traffic and our short trip (only 1 full day)

Flight originally scheduled for 3pm tapi delayed to 5pm and another delay due to weather, landed almost 9pm, cleared my luggage and all by 9pm++, safely arrived home almost midnite. What else...EL la esoknya :P

Nota kaki kembang : can't tolerate teh botol but luv the fruit tea. Jus stroberi and avocado sgt superb. Kg daun waktu malam adalah sgt sejuk.

Gambar dah upload kat FB, gambar org2 dia..gambar barang2 nak kena cari dulu..ntah2 dah delete from memory card..


idasm said...

zie.. bestnyer gi jalan2...
aku baru balik dr jakarta mareng dulu, gi berlima, celebrate anny & besday laki aku sekali dinung... hehe..

shopping kat indon ni mmg beh! maklum kita jd jutawan.. hehe..

ezz said...

next trip buat geng2 kite lok.. :)

zila said...

ezz, sila la sponsor aku gi bandung..
zie, seronok nye berjalan2 bershopping... sakan la ye..

ikan said...

ok gok kite pakak gi rama2 dinung..
kabo etek.

Tukang Campak said...

hmmm....project Bandung ? Nxt year...so sape volunteer jadik PM ? haha