Saturday 12 June 2010

Phew !! Selesai acara !!

Majlis tunang adik aku telah selesai dgn jayanya last Sat. Last nite, I sent my mom, sister & nephews off. My living room now back to normal setting after it was converted into sleeping area toto-ed wall to wall. Now it's time to put everything on record.

Alhamdulillah, all went well. Good weather, good food and good company. Of coz few hiccups here and there which were too small too take note of. (Citer lawak : wakil rombongan tershashul ckp nak meminang r.o.s.e.l.i.n.a plak huhu adikku r.o.s.e.l.i.n.i.)

Mini dais and hantaran made easy. Lucky si darah manis pun jenis tangan kreatif, so I just created the sample and she did the rest. I bought white & pink fabrics from Nagoya@RM3/mtr, told her what need to be done and voila the empty space turned into sweet mini dais. Other materials mostly bought from kedai 99sen. So kerja2 kerastangan kali ini amat breezy dan tidak mematahkan pinggang aku.
before and after
Wah, bilik haku sudah sweetmweet, terus mode honeymoon :P
Hantaran balas 7 dulang

Bekas hantaran : Pinjam bekas hantaran P1zah, bekas ni pun duk bersusun dalam almari mak, apa salahnya berbakti kepada yg memerlukan eceh...tetiba
Having food catered for the event really saved the day. We paid our regular caterer to provide lunch (same menu as previous 2 weddings in the family hehe). No mess in my kitchen and i can transform my dining into family landing area...
Photography - DIY & FOC . Rombongan lelaki ingat paid photog sbb masing2 equipped with camera canggih. I proudly announced that both are my BIL (Apiz) & biras (hubby P1zah). Khemah & buffet table oso FOC, courtesy of Apiz si Peniaga Kasut Boya.

Those attended are my close relatives. Geng Gombak of coz, plus geng Kontan & Ganu (atok mak pak sedare sepupu sepapat), everybody had contributed and I can't thank them enuff.
Sumer landing kat sini sbb not much to do pun.
Wakil  rombongan lelaki dari Temerloh, pak sedarenye
Bincang, setuju, doa..amiin. Settle 1 bahagian
adikku, adikku, emakku
Wah..bakal besan mesra2. Goss ke
Sebahagian rombongan sebelum balik


Cake wt wrong shade of pink, aku pacak bunga kekonon fondant, aci ?
Opps..hantaran ku terguliks, sib baik x pecah gelas potpouri..kutip..kutip
'Pekerja contoh' aku sakit gigi huhu
x sia2 tambah order 20pax lg, bajet tapau utk semua org. Cukup2.
 Sumer settle baru sng ati nak dduk mkn, lunch + dinner
 Cinde-lela takleh cun lama2, Kes dera adik sendiri...
Tokei kira bekas buffet ngan dulang

Semoga dipermudahkan urusan kami untuk menyatukan pasangan ini dalam majlis pernikahan yang akan dilangsungkan pada pertengahan tahun hadapan, Amin Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin

Next agenda : Memerah & memeras otak untuk her wedding next year. Warna temanya sejak azali lagi telah ditetapkan, by hook or by crook must be : ACID GREEN


Hanum said...

iyerr... dais yg cantik!! sukerr!!! :)
congrats roselini... dan roselina jugaa (kerana di pinang 2 kali??.. hehehe.. aduiih.. marah Man!)

idasm said...

zie... comeynyer! semua comey. hantaran, dais. warna pink pulak tu... lagilah comey.. hehehe..

zie.. umoh mu tema meroh rupanya. aku napok kitchen cabinet mu pon meroh.. hehe.. (lawo umoh mu! congrats!)

selamat bertunang buat roselina, opps! roselini lah.. hihihi!

ikan said...

roselina tambah kembang kena pinang 2nd time.. huahahahah.
peringat kat bakal pantin + tok kadi kang masa nikoh tersalah sebuk lagi.. nyaknyer ke mang!

congrats la mung buak majelih ke adik mung.. *kagum*.
aku ni level adik2, tak terpikir majlis beso2 gini..

ezz said...

sweet la segala2nya... suka tgk.. pink ni comey kan?

eh eh.. roselina kena pinang lg? fuhhhh..... :P

Tukang Campak said...

TQ TQ every1 wah ramai minat pink ropenye..last minute decision by empunya bdn, tetiba dia nak pink+white. Ikut asal mcm nak lovelylace theme. leh la kot proceed biz plan adikbradik aku;P

Da : bukan tema meroh pn, sj bli brg meroh in few places nk pecoh warna sbb hok lain wane kusam2. InsyaAllah ada rezeki,wak mkn jeput kwn2.

Dd : Kagum kemende sgt gok, makang catering, lain ah kalu masok gulai dlm kawoh hehe. Nok kena pesang molek nih, kang Mang kena maddu 8O

Ezz & Nom : sila percaya bhw aku telah dipinang lagi by 'technical error' hahaha

zila said...

so sweet... congrats for adik and kakak nye.. cantek sgt... x sabar nk tgk yg hijau tu plak..