Tuesday 17 June 2008

Pinch vs Punch

Weeks ago, I posted an entry about stretching my grocery spending coz prices had gone up

I put it as 'I can feel the pinch'.

Last Saturday, we went for another grocery trip, and I think the statement above is no longer relevant, it is more accurate to put it as 'I can feel the Punch' with capital P.

Everything went up like nobody's business. They said that the petrol hike will have an impact on the 1nflation rate, in layman's term = average increase in price. So if it's 3 - 6% meaning prices of goods will likely increase so much. But then, look at what I had to pay.

Beras - from rm34++ to rm43++ : almost 30%
Cili - from 2.99 to 3.99 : more than 30%
Teh - from rm6.80 to rm8.90 : more than 30%
Biskut - from rm8.70 to rm10.30 : almost 20%

That's is 20-30% inflat1on rate to me !! Hmmm...Brg2 aku beli ni x sama ke dgn brg2 dlm CPI basket hehehe...takkan la beras takde dlm basket tu kot kan kan ? Okla, give and take, beras naik can take it as global, tapi teh ngan biskut ?? apakah ?? Lain-lain brg aku dh x koser nak observe, kang sakit jiwa kat situ jugak. So ambik campak masuk trolley, Q, bayar. Regular household items yg thn lama borong terus sblm harga dia melompat2 lagi. Diapers Hannah dh siap beli saiz XL masa sale kt Jusc0 !! hahaha

Whichever way, we're definitely tightening our belt.

Talking about changing the way we spend, I used to do that last time. We tried not to go for brand. So we bought cheaper or in-house brand for items like detergent, tisu, even some foodstuffs. Does it work ?? A flat NO. Why ? Klu sabun tu masuk sikit2 x jalan , tu dia curah masuk sebeban pastu x bersih pun. Sabun cuci pinggan x bleh mix dgn air, so 1 tong tu kejap jek, baik Axi0n bekas kecik thn lama. Tisu dapur, kena air jek, sumer hancur. I've tried Pet2 & Fitti for diapers, instead of saving our moolah we had to spend more on nappy rash cream, nak jimat punya psl kesian montot anak haku kena rashes & paper-cut (from the tape) so Mamypok0 it is. Why Mamypok0 ? sbb Pamper$ and Huggie$ x bleh thn smpi pagi.

We can only change so much, where necessary. But for the kids, we are not going to give less than the best as long as we can. For the parents, once-in-a-while-splurge is still allowed (jimat ke hape camni..) heheh Things that we do not discount is book & food. So klu x leh jimat cara tu then we save in other ways that we can mcm fuel, power & water consumption, ye dok kawang-kawang ?? Balik kg trip will be a nitemare when u ride a fuel-gulping car like us. Time to change to a fuel saving ride, NGV is not an option since we need all the spaces and putting Thule box on top is a no no.

Note : Yang...Astro camana ? Hehe time2 Euro ni mau kena jelingan mauts


PerantauSepi1306 said...

tulah zie.. la ni minum air je lah kan.. wakakakakaka sib baik ada member bagi besday present guara cafe... leh tahan lapar sket ;p

ya2 said...

sama la mcm aku zie,skrg ni 3-4 ratus tu dah mcm 3 ringgit je nilainya.

aku mmg dari dulu walau org kata beli mumypoko tu membazir sbb hanya pakai kt montot anak, tpi kesan jangka panjangnya begitu effektif.

sama je kos kalu kita beli brand cap ayam tpi kesan sampingannya begitu mengharukan.

meh la sama2 kita berjimat cermat.