Thursday 5 June 2008

To Keep Me Insane...

I made a reservation with MPH MidValley few days back and went to pickup my books during lunch. I told myself, this time around me gonna selfish. I'll buy more books for myself ONLY. Kekonon...

I bought these for my brain :
- Growing Up 1n Trengganu - Awang Goneng
- The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini (wait 4 d movie)
- The Hollow - Nora Roberts
- Innocent Man - John Grisham
- Where Rainbows End - Cecelia Ahern
- My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult
- A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini
- Siri Bacalah Jawi Al-Ameen (for Adan)
- Oxford English Malay (for Hanis)
- 5 Minutes Spelling (for Hanis)
- Ladybird's Peekaboo Baby (for Hannah)
- 2 Extreme Mocha frm San Francisco (heh)
Note : Need to get Blood Brothers by Nora Roberts before reading The Hollow.

So, I achieved the target of being selfish because my books are more than 50% !! Hurray !! I still have about 24 days to think whether I should bring them kids to pick their own heh. Hannah will be content with her growing peekaboo's collection. As usual, I'll spend my time to wrap the books, can't stand buku yg kelepet2. The classic habit in me.

Dd, don't buy those that I have. Klu library opismu yg happening tu x de then gimme a call, we'll meet at SOG0 the meeting place, I can drag Sydde as well.

My Abah will surely proud knowing that at least 1 of his kids loves books & photography as much as he does. I'm gonna dig his bookshelves for the original Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck and a lot more. I'm more into books (for now) and would rather sling my baby than SLR. I had my fair share with Yashica & Minolta yonks ago (more thn 20 yrs) where u only have rolls of film to play with. Hubby is very supportive and showing interest (translate : sponsor is no issue). So until we have no more babies to carry around, I'll let my point & shoot do the job and let people around me like Dd and Sydde become a master and I can get free lessons from them yeeeeeeeehaaa.


ikan said...

hamboi sekali memborong.....
akak kekonon nak carik la sebiji dua kat sini..tub2 mag2 lagi menarek sbb byk dpt free gift. tadi beli glamour £2 dapat lip gloss benedict aci? beli InStyle £3.90 dapat beg French Connection gitu...hahahhahahahahha sila la jeles...sebab aku jeles banget hang dapat jam!
eppy menjiwang babe....9 depan jubli apa? hahaha

Ayu Mohamad said...

wah wah wah.. byk gilerr heheh hubby aku plak dia lebih suka aku meminjam di library kekeke..and dia sanggup pinjam aku buku cerita drp library kat pejabat dia hehehe

I love books as much as u do.. and aku mmg suka membaca kekeke tapi malangnya sbb aku tak berkesempatan ke library kat Mindef ni so aku buat shortcut keke aku beli aje and lepas baca simpan cepat2 dalam lemari kekekekeke

amboi DD.. syoknya beli mag dpaata diah eh tapikann aku selalu cenggitu la jugaknya hahahahaha suka nengok adiahnya hahahaha eh ko dah balik ke DD?

Tukang Campak said...

Dd, x yah suruh mmg jeles pon. kira cikai je la sana ek, jadik free gift jek hehe Aku x reti jubli2 ni aku tau jubli emas 50 !! tapi yg pasti 1 DEKAD huhu. Sana BEnefit murah tak ?? Klu murah tolong selit 1 lipstick 'Liar Lip'. sini RM68. Hannah sudah tonyoh baik punya...

Ayu, aku teringin nk pinjam dr library, apakan daya library aku cuma ada annual report, operational risk bla bla. ada la staff sedekah buku zmn hang tuah dulu2. Lainla library LHDN, chic lit pon ada...

Kopi Suam said...

ho ho ho resitnya jangan lupa simpan zie...reduce income tax..

aku library kat sini buku gerenti banyak giller...library uniten..masa aje tak de nak pergi...bila nak baca buku pinjam orang sebelah...sebab orang sebelah memang ulat buku mcm kome...heeh heeh

PerantauSepi1306 said...

hahahahaha hena sungguh library kite... aku masuk nengok buku semer hampir koyak ja... hmmmm meh aku teka, hang beli buku bebanyak sebab nak claim flexi kah??? ekekekekee baik punyerrr, dah dekat hujung bulan 6 nih..

btw, plan g sogo bile woii.. bgtau la aku.. muehehehehe

ikan said...

jom sogo....xtvk makan! shopping adalah tidak digalakkan seperti kata puan kopi suam! ahahahhaha...
cepat set!

Tukang Campak said...

sydde, sejak2 buku jadik taxable item aku dh x claim flexi dah. Baik claim tax. Kdg2 flexi tu aku claim kdg2 tlupe hehe

Ok, set this Friday, SOGO...mana ? Got Secret Recipe (again ?), Nando's, McD yg INSAF ?? Yg pasti meeting point dia SOGO 12.30..