Monday 2 June 2008

Goodbye..yet It's Not Goodbye

I was greeted by this magnetic note on my board this morning. Token from a dear friend.

Another colleague left for good, 24hr notice. She joined the bank earlier than me. It's quite a sad Monday for me to read 3 farewell e-mails in 1 shot. Another 2 were transferred to another dept.

Goodbye my friend, Gee, wish you the best. Do take care while you're in faraway land. I started to feel 'lonely' in the office without my usual colleague to chitchat and bergelak ketawa, luckily I still have those from old days of I$$U yang makin lama makin sikit.

But I do agree with you, we're just buttons away. Do keep in touch. Mana tau, panjang umur in 2 years time, kami sekeluarga singgah melawat... :)


PerantauSepi1306 said...

hmmm ni misti p study leave ni.. hang bila nak apply zie?

Tukang Campak said...

Dia resign la wei....mana ada org pi study 24hrs notice

aku x kosa nak go thru interview...cukuplah tu, abih2 pun aku amek cert je kot.