Tuesday 17 June 2008

Aiyark...Potong Stim

Last nite, me & hubby saja pusing area G0mbak tgk2 kot ada signboard house for sale, ada la tapi sumer ala2 400k for 20x70. x cukup pitih ambo banyok tu wei... That's the price you have to pay for wanting to live in landed property in Gombak. Klu 300k++ dh bleh dpt corner lot / rumah gabak kat belah2 Kajang/Bangi/Shah Alam.

Baru lepas call developer for the progress.

"Tinggal nak bagi kunci je kak"

Hoyay :) hoyay :)

" Bila ?"
"Tunggu SYABA$ masuk meter air"


Yeah, that SYABA$ part was there since last year.

BAck to the story psl kami ronda satu Gombak mlm tadi, sbnrnya balik dr C4 beli tiered-drawer plastik, pastu sambil2 sembang kluar citer psl umah kami yg berkurun x siap2. So sambil2 abihkan minyak keter kami round2 la. Dptla 2,3 nombor konon nak call la arini.

Pastu terbaca la berita ni plak from TheStar, adududududu.....

" House prices up 30%

HOUSE prices need to be raised by 30% due to the hike in building materials and petrol prices, Nanyang Siang Pau reported. Master Builders Association of Malaysia president Patrick Wong said middle-range house prices had been increased from RM150,000 to RM190,000. “The developers have no choice but to raise the price as the cost of building the houses has increased. The price of houses was adjusted two weeks ago,” he said. "


Hanum said...

aisehh.. apsal lama giler nak siap umah ko nih eh?.. saper developernye?.. kena blacklist ler developer nihh. sabor je la...

PerantauSepi1306 said...

hekeleh.. ko beli umah kat ner zie.. lama gilosss... syabas tu kalo umland wat sebulan je siap weh..

Kopi Suam said...

tak pe la zie may be ada hikmah jugak kenapa umah kome lambat siap..

aku baru aje balik tgk umah di putrajaya not bad jugak 24x75 with built up 2000 plus harga RM350K. ada member aku yang dah beli...

cuba tgk kat site ni kot2 ada yang nak jual kat area gombak


edrina said...

hmm tu la rege umah la nih memang melambung2..tu pasal la aku nih lebih rela beli kat puncak alam nun..tapi sib baik aku kejer kat damansara jerk..so tak la jauh dr umah kan.. Harga umah kat puncak alam masih murah. Umah aku corner lot ada tanah muat satu buah umah lagiks rege RM210K...kat tempat lain memang tak dapek la harga tu..kalau intermediate harga dia RM138K. Developer umah aku Road builder. Kalau sapa yg beli puncak alam phase yg awal2 dulu mmg rugi pasal umah kecik & kualiti tak bagus pasal developer dia puncak alam.

Tukang Campak said...

num - ye, penat kan ko dgr dr dulu x siap2 huhu

sydde - aku beli area UIA Gombak. Tu la psl org lain pling lama pn 3bln

Zira - rumah tu nak kena major reno kt kitchen yg seciput so ko imagine la cost dia pasni, tu yg risau. Thx 4 d link,yg 1st je aku blom tgk

Edd - bestnye 210k corner lot huhu we put Family as priority so that's why HAVE TO be in Gombak. Kena sacrifice our wish to stay in big house sbb me & hubby need to look after our parents & my house slalu jadiks stopever for family from e.coast. This house is next to Karak. We can't be too far from Gombak. X tau la kot tetiba ubah fikirn. For now that's it.

ikan said...

tahan la jiwa raga masalah rumah ni kan...sabar...sabar....lepas ni nak ngadap bob the builder plak...hehehe
enjoy the process babeh....take your time....hahahhaahhaha sementara lom siap ni plan abis rak camna nak renovate....

aku tak sabo nak dtg house warming jek...kih..kih..kih...

tu la...dulu kami beli kajang sbb kata opis nak move to cyberjaya...and the house sgt murah...la ni rasa jauh amat...minyak mahal....emmm kena carik area kl ni....but then katanya pindah balik cyberjaya 2010...haiyoooo...akak fenin la....

Anonymous said...

erk..300K boleh dpt rumah corner kat shah alam? mana ada kak oiiiii..shah alam sekrg menyengat harga rumah...300+ dapat intermediate jek..bangi and kajang ada laa...

AdaRumah said...

Boleh cuba http://www.adarumah.com juga....:)