It was such a torment not to be able to transform your ideas into the real thing. I have so many things in my head. Haii....bila la nak siap ni...dah berkulat2 dah magazine deco aku ni haaa..
Called them yesterday and the latest janji manis : by April 2008 but 'Please call again in Dec to confirm..' cehhh.
Phase 1 owners are getting their key as I type this entry, I hope they will start moving in so that by the time we decided to uproot from Kg Kerdas, the place will be live-able & safer. Laporan terkini dari lensa seorang pemilik rumah x siap :)
1. Jalan depan rumah dah tar up to the end.

2. I hate all the tiangs, we got 4 in that tiny yard. What to do, no other option

3. Backyard to be converted to extended kitchen

4. Ignore the models and look at the stuck doors !! How come ??

5. The worst part. Leaking roof and fungus infested ceiling. Arrgh

No matter what, that house will be ours and I have been paying for it like forever.