Monday 12 November 2007

Confession of An Addict

Yes, I'm an addict.

to ?? TEH AIS !!

It started as a craving when I was pregnant with Adan back in 2002, it stopped after I've delivered the cheeky boy. And again when I was with Hannah in late 2005. This time around the craving stays. I have to have it...mind you...with my breakfast.

But I'm very particular with the taste. I will only buy from my stall of choice hehehe During weekend I will blend my own but not necessarily for breakfast.

Reminder : Milky drinks is not good for health and diet, especially when taken with heavy meals.


ikan said...

sib baik teh tarik...kalau cappuccino, camna?hehehe
enjoy yr teh tarik girl....nampak pon sodappppp

Anonymous said...

craving again? so confirm la ni? ahaks...