Friday, 28 September 2007


Budak2 ni suka main teka-teki, so time duduk ramai2 or dalam kereta on the way to mana2 we'll just shoot a teka-teki for all to answer.

Tapi kadang2 teka teki diorang ala2 soklan periksa and kadang2 sesedap rasa. Memang sabor jela...

Antara soklan2. Highlight the space after Jawapan for answer.

Hanis : Binatang apa ada 2 tulang ?
Jawapan : 2 ekor sotong

Adan : Kereta apa ada tayar ?
Jawapan : Kereta lah, mcm kereta kita ni...

Adan : Apa benda paling best ?
Jawapan : siku ibu


The One Optician in KLCC

Went to KLCC yesterday to get pressie for hubby. Hehe memang x dak unsur2 surprise sebabnya nak kena bwk empunya badan to try on it. Damn expensive, luckily got 20% discount.

While the salesperson working on the bill and packaging. I asked the optician to do an eye test for me, free maaa... since my last prescription was about 3,4 years back. We did the one with the machine and when he spotted that I have a HUGE gap between left & right eyesight, he asked me to do another test, the actual one using those funny looking frame. And to my surprise...the reading for my left eye went...DOWN..yeeeeeha...

The previous one recorded a reading above 300 and yesterday about 275. My right eyesight is near perfect at 75. So, no lazy eye yet.

I hate wearing glasses, only when I need it, like reading something that exceed 50mtr, masa gi conference or training kena la pakai. Due to that he suggested that I use contact lenses. Aiyoh...lagi la leceh and knowing that I will use it on my perfect eye, what for ??

He then said 'No, just for your left eye, single lense. It will cost you about rm60-70 for every 6 month.'. I went like 'Got ah like that one??'

So, how now, brown cow ?

Thursday, 27 September 2007

For You Honey Bunny


Cinta adalah anugerah yang Kuasa
Yang bila terasa betapa indahnya
Sungguh lemah diriku
Tak berarti hidupku
Bila tak ada dirimu

Andai ku bisa akan ku balas
Semua yg pernah engkau berikan
Terima kasih dariku
Atas ketulusanmu
Menyayangi diriku

Aku ada karena kau pun ada
Dengan cinta Kau buat diriku hidup selamanya

Aku ada karena kau pun ada
Dengan cinta Kau buat diriku hidup selamanya

Andai ku bisa akan ku balas
Semua yang pernah engkau berikan
Terima kasih dariku
Atas ketulusanmu
Menyayangi diriku

Happy Birthday my dear...

Monday, 24 September 2007

I love Pencils

Other than mengacau kakak & abang. Ni la her interest at the moment : stationeries esp. color pencils. It's high time for me to paint the wall with washable paint hehe tak baloi buat kat umah skarang.

Aahhh...apa ni ibu

Nak tulis apa ek..

Korek telinga pon beshh...

The Making of Dadih

Upon request from my daughter for weekend buka puasa. Super easy, fail-proof. A treat for a strong girl. Belum tinggal puasa lagi anak ibu ni...

That packet selling at RM5 can produce about 40 containers. Flavors ? Choc and sweet corn are cool. Yet to try original and strawberry.

How I wish

I wish someday, my COLLEAGUE will put this on my table for my birthday.

I can only wish, not for hubby though. This is his 2nd year, last year he received a SEIKO 5, and now…that shirt easily exceed 20% of my salary. Huwaaaa…

The Hair-less Princess

After 14 months, there she is...I thought Hanis was the worst, nampaknya adik gak champion. Come on la dik...teringin ibu nak buat ponytail or at least letak hairclip. Dd, kasik rambut Iman sket, klu kat US bleh buat extension hahahaha

Any petua frenz, I've yet to try any actually. Konon nak tunggu, tapi rasanya dah terbabas threshold of 12 months.

In The Wake of Nurin's Tragedy

Al Fatihah to the little girl. Takziah for the family. We watched the Buletin Perdana on Friday night with tears. Non-stop. I hugged Hanis and wept. And Adan kept on asking 'Kenapa ibu nangis ??'. I just can't stop.

Ya Allah, apalah nak jadi dengan dunia ni. This will definitely turn me, the already over-cautious and paranoid mom, to a higher level. All this while, they're not allowed to play outside without adult supervision eventhough their friends are there. Will make sure at least one of my neighbour is watching them. Most of the time I will let all of them play inside our compound but bingit ya rabbi not to mention scrathes on our car. Ikut kawan pegi kedai dekat2 rumah, is a no no.

Pendek kata, they're not allowed to be out of my sight no matter how close. In crowded place they are not allowed to let go of their hands. I've planted that in them. So, my sweet more main2 tepi sungai for you if ibu and babah is not around. Everywhere I went, I can't help but always on the look for lost kids. Nampak je budak2 yg mcm lost, mesti aku approach. Else aku akan rasa guilty all the way sampai mimpi2, what if, what if. That's me.

With the latest tragedy, I don't know how paranoid I can be. But it made things easier for me that now they, especially Hanis, understood what can happen to them. I kept on mentioning to her. 'Ibu tak bagi Along pegi jauh2 sebab ibu sayang Along. Now you understand why? It is because I love you'. They can relate that with my rules. For now I would rather be a mother who is over-protective, biarlah org nak kata apa, apa2 jadi anak kita, bukan anak diorang.

Now I have mixed feeling inside:

  • I don't feel bad for having kids who don't like strangers
  • I'm blessed but worried that I'm gifted with 3 beautiful kids
  • I don't mind being busybody
  • I get mad all the times seeing small kids wandering on their own
  • I don't feel safe
  • School is not a safe place. Luckily tok wan is one step ahead of me in safety department :)
  • many many more...

But, can you believe this ? Yes, their negligence in a way contributed to her death, they're wrong to assume that she was not alone, but as mentioned here, benda dah nak jadi, a fate. Why now baru nak invoke, this is not the first case that a child end up brutally murdered since the Act introduced. I don't know...but my personal opinion, it is so inappropriate to talk about it when the parents are still grieving and bigger issue is at hand...the killer, the ani-man (animal + human) is still at large.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Ikhtiar, Insya Allah

For those who knew my son, they are well aware of how fragile my son's health condition can be. Lately, he was coughing day and night without producing phlegm. Even when he did, takde plak yg tebal2 cuma kahak cair & berbuih. It is a heart wrenching looking at him coughing until he sweats and breathless and sometimes muntah2.

We have tried so many ways (medical & alternative). So today I bought this gamat-based supplement, IMUN0L. I went there to get the one goes by the name GAM0GEN upon friend's recommendation but when I explained my son's condition, he said this is the one for him. Price wise, cheaper than GAMOGEN. I'm willing to try alternative products but not drugs.

So guys, pray for me that this will help at least to stop the cough.

I was told by my colleague & from my googling about one petua, from chinaman. Using the asam kulit limau. Really ah ?? Boleh pakai ke...but again, why not ?? Rendam about 10 pieces of the asam in 1 cup of hot water, put the container's lid on and let it completely cool.

Follow the $$$

Blame it on SOGO Sale

I just HAVE TO buy the handbag to complement my purse. So as a guide, always start small (purse), then gradually move at a bigger scale (handbag) hahahaha. Okay la kot after working for so many years this is my 1st so called DECENT handbag. Kan Ayang kan ??

I went to SOGO again the next day to wrestle with others, in kids department. The long queue started way before 10am. My hubby was not in good health but willing to do it now instead of during puasa. We left Hannah with her babysitter and dragged the other two. Why ? Nobody to look after them and I want to avoid buying stuffs that they are not willing to wear. Since this was the first time we brought the kids along for raya shopping, I adopted a strategy which I think worked well. Prior to 'the battle', I've prepared the list and asked the kids what they want (color, long/short sleeve).

Hubby & kids settled down at the toys area. I just went there & picked everything in few sizes and colors. No basket for me, susah nak move, everything sangkut on my shoulder. Agak2 dah berat, I went back and let them choose. The chosen one will be in the basket with hubby and the process NEED TO BE REPEATED until hubby said 'Banyak lagi ke nak beli ???' kahkahkah.

Less than 2 hours, we're done. Buying 3-4 pairs each of baju raya for 3 kids in SOGO during weekend on (Member's Day somemore) from the box yg dah mcm tong sampah, that was an achievement...Excellent

After that I went to collect my rebate coupon (RM10 for every RM100 spent). You need to have SOGO Card to be able to redeem. I have none, then how do I collect my coupon ? That's a trade secret...Apa susah, I just went to those who queued (normally those yg dah dekat ngan kaunter) and used my sweet charms on them. Ayat paling simple. "Kak, saya x de SOGO Card, akak tolong redeem RMxxx, balance tu combine dgn resit akak, coupon lebih akak ambikla". 100% guaranteed.

But...How do I get into SOGO without card in the 1st place? I flashed my credit card maaa Direct Access, free for life, no string attached. So, who wanna join me for next SOGO spree before December ? I got RM80 coupon to spend.

Monday, 10 September 2007

Wisana Redang - Revisit

Another trip to Pulau Redang before monsoon season starts. Same spot : Wisana Redang. We won’t be going anywhere else la kot since this place is so private. Everybody were treated & mingled like a family, not a bunch of guests. This time we hauled 8 adults and 5 kids and 1 baby on trip.

We had to board the ferry from Jeti Shahbandar in KT much to my misery because the Merang jetty is so close to my house and I so wanna try the nasik minyak mentioned in somebody else’s blog. Anyway, we left the house around 8.00am to catch the ferry scheduled at 10.30am. 1 hour journey from Setiu to KT supposedly left us with ample time to find a decent breakfast. But, KT is having festivals here and there and we have to ‘fight’ for what’s left on the menu to feed 14 tummies. Dah la kureng sedap..belasah jek...
Boarding the ferry from here seemed safer. We had to list down our details before boarding the ferry as big as the one in Langkawi. Very comfortable & safe for those with kids. It took 1hr 30mins to reach the main jetty in Redang. A transit boat carried us to our chalet. That’s when my camera decided to die on me. So, no pic for the whole day because electricity will only be provided 7pm – 7am. This is a no-frills chalet, lagipun memang takde sape yg duduk bilik during the day except to mandi & pray, water supply ada la, even my baby pun tido kat hammock…heaven.
2nd day started a bit early, we watched the sunrise and the water was about 5-6 metres from our chalet. I was a zombie because of the trips to the loo that I made throughout the night. Day before, I wallop a duku (more than a kilo I can assure) and had to pay the price, big time diarrhea that no Chi Kit pill (kincit?? hehe) or ENO can handle. Had to skip the snorkeling trip. Luckily, Hannah slept the moment they left for Marine Park until they came back. So I just sat on the stairs watching her sleeping in hammock while making my every-5-minutes-trip to jamban.
By evening I was exhausted to the point of shaking (not to mention the painful & over-worked b*ntot) and had to ask for help. Luckily my ever-willing sister was there and the kids were outsourced to her and their dotted babah. Another sleepless night for me.
They had a blast and the next day we had a delicious fried beehoon. Tengok je la while having my plain roti. Everybody including Hannah sambung operasi mandi manda while me still befriending the dump place.
On Sunday, we left the heavenly place around 12.30 and reached KT around 2.30pm. As usual, loaded up our trunk with keropok and bought some turtle eggs for hubby’s colleague.

Reached home before Maghrib and start working on the laundry and packing for journey back to KL.

Exhausted but 100% satisfied.
For more pix, visit my Fotopages
Tips: To avoid having diarrhea after excessive walloping of duku, make sure you bite the last seed. Mcm mkn durian and minum from the pangsa to avoid panas badan.

Monday, 3 September 2007

Mother of All Procrastinators

No Sophie Kinsella's or Annabel Karmel's for me sob sob out of stock, small outlet, remember ? Next sale will be dedicated for school textbooks another sob sob. For now I'll settle for Ikan's book review

We procratinated BIG tIMe...the weekend went with no so called achievement. What a lazy bum...ada skali tu, both of us snoozed and woke up to a one big mess all over the hall courtesy of 3-tak-reti-mengantuk-kids.

Our raya shopping trip was called off due the the fact that the planner a.k.a ME forgot to consider that Merdeka celebration is back in KL. So trip to Jln TAR or anywhere in the city on Merdeka Day is as good as 'carik nahas'.

Malas2 and delayed some housechores to the next day and when Sunday came then only we realised that we have yet to buy any book as planned. So we rushed to the nearby MPH in Alph@ Angle, W.Maju. Small outlet, so we just make do with whateva that they have. We chose these for the kids.

They have their preferences as well. Along with her princesses thingy and Adan still madly in love with Captain Jack Sparrow.

Also another stack of latih-tubi-kind-of-workbook for both of them. Susahnya nak cari buku kerja for Pendidikan Islam. Can't wait until the next one in Dec. I'll make sure we do it earlier.

Note : Ikan, your Empress = out of stock