Monday 3 September 2007

Mother of All Procrastinators

No Sophie Kinsella's or Annabel Karmel's for me sob sob out of stock, small outlet, remember ? Next sale will be dedicated for school textbooks another sob sob. For now I'll settle for Ikan's book review

We procratinated BIG tIMe...the weekend went with no so called achievement. What a lazy bum...ada skali tu, both of us snoozed and woke up to a one big mess all over the hall courtesy of 3-tak-reti-mengantuk-kids.

Our raya shopping trip was called off due the the fact that the planner a.k.a ME forgot to consider that Merdeka celebration is back in KL. So trip to Jln TAR or anywhere in the city on Merdeka Day is as good as 'carik nahas'.

Malas2 and delayed some housechores to the next day and when Sunday came then only we realised that we have yet to buy any book as planned. So we rushed to the nearby MPH in Alph@ Angle, W.Maju. Small outlet, so we just make do with whateva that they have. We chose these for the kids.

They have their preferences as well. Along with her princesses thingy and Adan still madly in love with Captain Jack Sparrow.

Also another stack of latih-tubi-kind-of-workbook for both of them. Susahnya nak cari buku kerja for Pendidikan Islam. Can't wait until the next one in Dec. I'll make sure we do it earlier.

Note : Ikan, your Empress = out of stock

1 comment:

ikan said...

wah2 sungguh ilmiah entry kali ini! gagal kita membukukan diri yek sale kali ini? empress tarak?. where's yr sophie kinsellas?

just read shopaholic & sister - nanti ku hujah pasal buku ini.cepat update redang...