Tuesday 14 August 2007

On Buying School Uniforms

Based on my experience buying uniforms for our eldest, I feel like sharing. Sharing is caring kan kehkehkeh But again, this is my personal experience, based on my personal preference, so my view may not be parallel with others.

Banyak brand in the market but the BEST OPTION is to buy the fabric and tailor made to your kid's measurement. Your have full control over the type of fabric and size as well as design.

The most common brand that we found in the market were C@nggih, N!chii and a lot more kids clothing line coming up with their version of uniform. Why can’t they just stick to their line of clothing instead of offering over-the-moon-priced uniforms ? Departmental stores are also offering their proprietary brand like K@mdar, Parks0n, Ju$co and Metr0.

Hanis will definitely wear baju kurung to her primary since she didn’t wear any skirt or gown since she was a child (the sweet revenge is on Hannah). So pinafore is totally out. We need to buy the baju, kain and tudung. BTW, she opted for tudung herself, ok. For kain we need 2 colors, the normal navy (dark blue) and red for her sekolah agama. I can only vouch for a few that I bought.

For baju, the white is excellent, you don’t need to nila very frequent, blue-tinted white. Super easy to iron and the pocket is deep. But, the fabric is plastic-like and thick. Once the stain sets in, it stays, no scrubbing can cure, even bleach won’t help. And they used the butang with the loop, not the butang ketip (betoi ka ? In TrgSpeak, we call this ‘kacing tah’). Nightmare for a little clumsy hand.

For kain, it uses buckles not the pinggang getah. The fabric is the same as used for the boy’s pant, tebal nak mampos. Berat plak tu. Limited to navy color only.

You can find this brand everywhere, the cheapest in Mydin. Price wise, a bit expensive, can’t remember either kain or baju selling at more than RM20. But no tudung sighted.

For baju : The fabric is sweat-absorbing-cotton, if I were to tailor, I will at least buy this type of fabric. Quite easy to iron, the wrinkles are manageable even after being stacked for 2 days. The white is more to off-white, nampak kusam without nila.

For kain : Perfect, pinggang getah, good fabric, no bleeding

Tudung : Perfect, both 1 & 2-layered type

Very cheap for the comfort it can offers, 1 pair without tudung is less than RM25. Tudung is RM5

We only bought the red kain which bleed like no tomorrow until now, dah 8 bulan beb. Sib baik aku ni kiasu, all dark & red colored shirts wash separately until confirm a non-bleeding type.
Price wise, in the middle, cheaper than 1st though. Baju banyak kain licin not cotton.

CoNncluSion : K@mdar offered the best uniforms (Globe ada jual lagi kaa ?) in terms of comfort and price. C@nggih looks good, nampak tahan tapi yg akak tak tahan, kainnya memang berpeluh la as what Hanis experienced. Kesian anak ibu. Sorry ye sayang

Ramai yang tanya…laa dah tau kain tu tak selesa apsal beli ? Long story maa…we went to S0G0 to buy EVERYTHING. Senang 1 tempat when you have 2 whining kids yang asyik tanya bila nak balik. Upon inspection, I told the banker, kain tak elok, panas, kesian anak. But being a guy, banker replied ‘beli je, dah ada semua kat sini’. Ni yg buat my blood went upstairs ni, time dia tau plak nak beli Dockers, Levi’s sbb selesa, takde kat KLCC cari kat 1 Utama, time anak nak jln ke K@mdar yang seco’et pun tak mau. Boiling..boiling...maleh nak kontoversi so beli jelah, dah la mahal nak mampus. So balik dgn mulut moncong2 & bengkek inside. Everytime Hanis complaint panas, berpeluh, ibunya pun sure naik ‘berpeluh’ je…

Bila bibik dah takde, we need extra pairs because I can’t afford to hand wash the uniform every single day. So I took it on my own hand and K@mdar is RM80++ richer. That’s the story mory morning glory and the reason why we bought C@nggih. Thinking of ‘retiring’ the kain for next year. Kain tu mau tahan sampai darjah 6 kalau anak korang tak membesar. Baju tu acceptable la cuma naik kematu aku berus stain especially kat lengan & poket tak hilang jugak. But heyy…I lost my flabby arms, no more goyang2 kakakakka
That was in December 2006, they may come up with new version this year.

Then suddenly….rasa nak belajar menjahit…

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