Thursday 2 August 2007

Go get your breakfast

Ni la padahnya klu x breakfast, I had this for lunch yesterday. Fettucini with Carbonara Bolognese sauce, lovely teh tarik and rich choc cake, that's only RM8.80 !!


ikan said...

wow..can drink teh tarik after white cream sauce ha? dasyat! tambah lagi choc cake! uihhh..hebat..hebat!
now u can't blame hannah for how she can really eat ah?
ibu borekk...wooohooooo....
eh, mana kedai juai mulah itu macam? kasi tau gua time gua boleh pigi sana...

Tukang Campak said...

Meh ler opis aku, itu cafe kami yg managed by Residential Hotel. Subsidised x hengat. So klu nak makan kena ajak aku sbb nak kena touch access card kekekeke