Tuesday 14 August 2007

On Buying Kasut Sekolah

For SHOES, the best option of course BATA laa mana lagi, now they call it B-first…why ah ?? We also bought KIKILALA, CARLTON and both almost hancur and pain in the ass to wash. I advise you people don’t buy the one yang ada byk plastik because memang susah nak sental. The rubber jenis yg x hilang klu ada scratches. During our schooling days yonks ago, tapak kasut pun boleh scrub sampai putih, kan ? Not anymore, my other half pun surrender, memang x hilang warna hitam on the rubber. One more thing, easier klu beli yang strap. The one yang x payah slot dlm lubang. I'll show you the pix later.

Tips : Those yang ada bibik maybe tak kisah tapi it’s good to ‘kapur’ the shoes even before their 1st usage. So that masa menyental, all stains will be washed away dgn kapur without sticking on the fabric. Jimat masa dan tenaga.

So far, after many bottles & brands, The Best Kapur Kasut award goes to…..BATA again, ooops B-first laa. Tapi yang tu dapat free masa beli kasut. Yet to check whether they are selling it. Should be la kan ? How do I ‘evaluate’ ? The liquid is thick so it will remain on top of the fabric instead of being absorbed into the fabric like other brands. Main objectives to protect the fabric kan ?

What about SOCKS ? You gonna need this A LOT. Why ? Wait until you see them kids doing the slides on the floor and within minutes, it changes color. Teach your kids to remove the socks whenever they remove the shoes. But, Hanis said "Cikgu kata tak payah bukak stoking dalam bilik muzik", dush !! To reduce the effort in 'sental'ing the socks, I bought the one in duo-tone. White sock with black sole. Classic. I love practical inventors...they make my life easier

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