For the first time, I've no cuti at all. Normally I'll finish up all my leave during Christmas & New Year holiday. Though we can 'jual' our cuti (masyuk ooo), I'd rather spend it with the kids.
Tapi kali ni, huhuwa aku jaga opis !! Friday after raya, I'm in, Monday before X'mas, I'm in. Bos yang baik hati kasik release at 4.30pm. Tapi....hati manyak sinang sebab bonos sudah masuk 1 day before raya. TQ TQ to our lady boss, this year we received the highest bonus ever, terbontang kejap mata aku x caya tengok payslip...pastu terbontang jugak mata aku tengok PCB...mang aiii, tu dah boleh beli handbag Coach idaman tuh !!
And happy jugak sbb handbag yg order from US sampai, first sampai my Liz multicolor sling, and the next one by hand, Liz mosaic sling, gift for my SIL. She helped a lot with the kids. Gambar beg in next entry la kot...
13 & 14 Dec, I was at Bukit Jalil, main ping-pong suka2 hehe, met up with Dd the AJK. Friday game abis pkl 10am, aku layan Jln TAR dulu beli kain for my mom and 'ter'masuk ke SSF, maka berbondonglah hasil belian aku. Kantoi hujan lebat, instead of balik I asked my SIL to pick me up, went to MValley to do some pre-BookSale preview with them kids. They begged me to buy games instead of book, since educational games are entitled to 40% as well, why not. Preview dulu so bila dah start boleh angkut jek.
Night before raya, adik2 ipar aku bercuti sakan, bawak anak2 sedare diorang jalan2 and called me to ask whether nak buat BBQ tak...why not ?? So beli la apa yang patut and ready-made marinated stuffs enuff for our small family. Adan paling busy...

I found this pic of Hannah taken by, most probably Along, apa yg dia terkejut tak tau la, but it's funny and I like candid shots.

My raya was hectic, I was too tired after the BBQ. Bangun pagi raya almost 7 oredi rasa cam nak terbang. Mana nak iron baju, mana nak masak (hubby requested for nasi minyak version Trg)...aiyoo. Start from scratch, pagi tu jugakla baru nak kopek bawang, nak gulai ayam arrrgh...Hannah plak meragam, masak berdokong beb, but miracle do 9.30 I served the food and put on my baju raya. Phewww... Tobat, tak nak buat camni lagi dah..