Friday 1 April 2011

Never ever read...

...few books at the same time coz u would end up never finishing any. I was currently hooking up to Her Fearful Symmetry, but decided to peek into few pages of Gadis Bertatu Naga. When I flipped back to Audrey's book, I couldn't recall who the hell is Robert !! Sheesh..

So, take 1 at a time and you'll finish in no time.

Now thinking of going back to BookXcess coz tgk rak buku mcm x banyak choice dah tinggal. Few books yg belum baca sumer series which I can't skip, gotta read in sequence termasuklah siri Gadis by Larsson.

I need to go to Kinokuniya as well to find 1 book on architecture, to be given as a gift to our parting boss. Yeah the boss who carries Birkin to office and driving sporty Aud1.


ikan said...

Babe, Chenta been telling me adik2 scholar @ his office read 2-3 books at a time, diff genre some more, I being tercabar tak mo kalah pun start la baca >1. Well, just don't leave any too long, kalau tak mmg kena selak balik. But the feeling of khatam 2-3 books skali was WOW!!!! Terasa bijak hehehehe.

Anonymous said...

kalau tak khatam2 camne pulok . hehehehe

Tukang Campak said...

Dd: oh-am-jee, kau telah mencabar aku. Now that I don't have any Shariah books that I have to read, I might want to try...i need to WOW myself more frequently hehe

Anon: Klu x khatam2, nk kena khatan kot :P

ikan said...

Hahaha lepas khatan sure khatam!
Yes self WOWing. Bila lagi kan. nak feeling2 wow bab2 koleksi handbag tak de yg gempak, body mantop meletup, hehehe tgk cermin pun maluuuuu hahaha aci?