Saturday 30 April 2011

Buzy buzz buzz May for me

Tomorrow am leaving town again, heading north to a special occasion for my niece. Her wedding.

I know for sure, apart from the wedding, it's gonna be hectic as before coz hubby will drag us, literally, to all makan places in Tepeng and other words, boleh matila kalau tak pegi to these usual spots...the food is nice but if you were asked to hadap the same menu for more than 10 years, mak naik jelak jugak nyah...

I just wish than we can re-route to places like Kellie'sCastle or maybe TelukAnson or bodoh2 pun KolaKangsar. It's gonna be a wishful thinking as my other half is not the type who deviate from plan, A to B would be A to B. No A1 or A2 in between. So kalau tetiba nampak something menarik tgh jalan takyah susah payah nak ajak berenti, simpan je lah niat murnimu itu. So, there goes my impromptu travel plan...huhu.

Back to my buzzing May :

3rd : Farewell lunch@rebung
4th : Site Visit with T.Tennis Assoc. M'sia for InterCentralBankGames2011
8th : Fly to Merlion City for course
11th : Back in KL
16th : Centralised training every Mon & Tue till July
21st : Kontan, aqiqah my latest niece, JasmeenMalaeka

Mari rasa penat bersama-sama....


DeLinn said...

must try laksa kuala kangsar kat lembah sungai kuala tu weh

tepen of kos la kueyteow doli kan?

sg dua kulim of kos la mee udang eh? but kat kuala sepetang also got mee udang banjir. ppl said sedap, dunno lah

ipoh's famous dish is mee kicap mat jasak hehe

have fun!

Tukang Campak said...

Ina, mmg kami singgah kola for the laksa tapi hampeh salah timing, ada event besday sultan, penuh mat motor & keta mini, sangkut dlm pekan jenuh nk keluaq. end up lunch laksa buyong. kueytow doli ada kat KL hehe. bomba + pasemboq ansari.

Kola sepetang juga dlm jadual tp sbb travel ngan baby + senior citizen x sempt nk pi.

Ipoh je kami lom jejak, nanti leh tnya hang tang mana..