Thursday 7 October 2010

New (and huge) addition to the family

My SIL who got married on 01.01.10 had delivered her offspring few days shy of her dream date i.e. 10.10.10. She wanted the baby birthdate to match her wedding date.

But the baby had his own plan, he wanted to come out earlier. After 1 night in hospital, his mommy seems to achieve only 1-cm dilation from 3 to 4cm. Loooong way to go. He got an idea...he pooped !! So he was immediately delivered within 1-hour via 'tingkap', hitting the scales at 3.88kg !! I jokingly told my SIL, 'ok jgk caesar, kalau tak jenuh woo nak push budak besar tu'.

Welcome to the family yet-to-be-named nephew !!

Alhamdulillah, my SIL seems to blessed with so many good things after all the suffering & pressures that she had to face before. Alhamdulillah jugak coz my MIL can now let go all of her worries and heartaches.

And I can breathe a sigh of relief as well.


idasm said...


tahniah kat SIL ko zie...

Tukang Campak said...

tq da, anok2 aku yg excited