Monday 17 March 2008

When we were there...

Some pix from suite 654 during our 7D 6N at Ampang Puteri 'Hotel' :) . That's a record (yang 18 hari kat NICU masa dia kecik2 tu tak kira ah...different story)

Dia rimas ngan drip line tu tapi nak buat camano, kena gak masuk this time around. Kesian, every 4 hours we had to wake him up for medications as well as some 'dragon' time. He loves doing the neb a.k.a dragon, only when he's awake. Totally pissed off, he complained 'Kenapa nurse suka buat masa Adan tido ??'. What to do lah dear. And...don't ever ever do it while he's lying down.

On the 5th night, we had to remove the IV line after he complained that it was painful even during a flush (water). His tiny vein can't take it anymore. They tried to poke his right hand and that was the first time I heard him screaming, yes screaming, I know how painful it is when they're trying to find the vein. He's one strong boy, last time cabut gigi, kena inject pun rilex jek. 2 times and I said ENUFF !! I can't stop crying almost few hours after that. It must be very painful for him. But, he had uninterrupted sleep that night, no meds at all. I'm so sorry sayang

The next day, our Paed came and tried to 'coax' me into allowing them to get the antibiotic thru IV as if I 'violently' opposed to the idea. Helloo...I don't mind at all as long as you can do it like the 1st time. So, she promised to send their best person, their paediatric surgeon, who happen to be the one who operated on Adan when he was only 3 days old. Even he struggled to find the vein, but in a less painful-way lah.

Our room was so damn cold, dah turn-off air-con pun sama jek, mengerekot tipah kat tilam yg maha tipis, terasa frame kat b*ntot tuh. Bila la depa nak tukaq baru...kami bayaq tau katil ngok ngek tu !!

Though he's sick, his appetite was indeed very healthy, and he demanded 1 cup of hot choc after every physio session. He can finish 2 bowls of soup at one time and there was 1 time when he gulped 3 pieces of buttered bread one after another. Next physio session, sakit perut kena tepuk haha. Itu dah 2 jam puasa tuh !! Here, he's enjoying some hot soup while Bumblebee setia di sisi (mata x lepas tgk kartun jek)

After CXR on Monday, it was confirmed. Diagnosis : BRONCHOPNEUMONIA. He's recovering well now, due for follow-up this Wednesday. Cuti jangan x cuti.

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