Friday 25 January 2008

Peeping Toes !!

Yesterday, while 'belek'-ing some jeans and also grabbing few stuffs from Cold Storage KLCC, I made my way to HP boutique to feast my shoe-fetish-eyes. Saja tgk2 as part of retail therapy

I've been eyeing this pair for more than a year, but the price was a wee bit expensive for a slingback peep-toe, even the normal 10% discount won't justify. Cam gila talak, I will try this pair EVERY single time I went to any HP outlet, ntah apa2...

Yesterday, it became MINE hahaha lucky was on 30%, this is the last new pair in size 5. So no need to angkat the display one.

It really worth the waiting, I thought I would never be able to own this.

Sweetie has died

It's so sad that I've to announce 2 deaths in 3 days.

This entry is to pay a tribute the little tortoise named Sweetie who was found dead last night.

Hanis cried and Adan was so cruel to label Sweetie as 'tortoise degil' due to the reason that 'dia x nak makan, sebab tu mati'. Guys can never understand, some things are best to be left untold. Lagi la laju air mata kakak.

Without post-mortem, we can only conclude that Sweetie died due to 'starvation' or mogok lapar. Memang susah nak tgk dia makan.

Sekian tima kasih.

Note : Don't worry Hanis, we'll get you another, bigger perhaps.

Thursday 24 January 2008

Money Money Money

Say it The Apprentice waay........hahaha

I can't wait....tomorrow, we'll know how much we get for Annual Increment.

Last year, SOME of us got durian runtuh especially newbies after the salary adjustment (more than 50% I tell you), for others 10% across the board + performance based. I received the fat salary for Nov'07 (advance bonus + backdated salary up to Jul'07). Gone oredi, raya + wedding sponsorship hehe

Dec'07 salary came as a surprise, even fatter. It was rumored that 2007 bonus average will be generous but what was printed on my slip was MORE than generous, itu dah tolak 1 month advance bonus. So aku dengan jayanya telah men'splurge'kan sebahagian dari bonos itu. Managed to save fair amount this time around. Hubby x heran la kot since the total bonus amount is not even his 2-months salary. But I can be proud because I always make sure that I put aside some moolah into my saving, going by % (compared to nett salary) I can be sure mine is higher.

Harap2 after increment bolehlah simpan lebih untuk masa2 critical, we won't know what will happen in the near future. Just imagine if 1 of you suffer a mishap which left any of you jobless. There was one article talking about how long can you survive on your saving without job. 2 months ? 6 months ? How to know ? Calculate you monthly expenditure then you'll know. Mine look scary. I have to have at least RM25k annually just to service my housing & vehicle loan plus my child insurance premium !! Are you willing to let go these 3 basic things, downgrading is a possible option for house & car but not child insurance. That's the worst case scenario...

Don't simply splurge today thinking that you're getting bonus later. You may not live that long.

This is a community service reminder hehe

Heath Ledger Has Died


I like this guy very much after 10 Things I Hate About You.....I love you baaaaaaaby...that's cute.

Everytime we channel-surfing and stumbled upon his movie, we'll definitely watch it. Over and over. Knight's Tale, Casanova, Brokeback Mountain hehe bla bla and I'll watch him again in The Dark Knight.

RIP Heath

Monday 21 January 2008

When Adan Goes to Hospital

It's been quite a while since his last attack, I thought his breathlessness is still at OK level, turned out that he's already wheezing over the limit. The sounds came from the lungs, not the throat anymore. How come I missed that sound ??

We are to blame as well, no pantang makan whatsoever, sumer hantam...all this while ok but due to the weather which is a bit cold lately, the lungs surrendered.

We were at APSH last Sat for his bi-annually check-up, tu yang kantoi tu...and we have to stuff this little guy so that he's at least 20kg by end of year. He only gained 500g from previous visit. What to do ?? His appetite is not bad, he can finish 2 servings of nasik lauk gulai or 2 bowls of mushroom soups in 1 sitting. Daily milk@formula consumption. Could be his metabolisme...and the fact that he always jumping, running, climbing is not helping either

Hannah was there as well to receive her last jap. last, ni la 1st time dia nangis masa immunisation. Selalu muka selamba jek baring layan toys, time kena cucuk berkerut muka jap...And this is also the 1st time that I have to give my kid a dose of PCM, she had slight temperature in the afternoon. Hanis and Adan have never developed any during their time. Alhamdulillah.

Some token from Dr Hal1za, itupun after 1 round of nebuliser at A&E on the spot.

This is what we call Aero Chamber to help kids who's yet to master the art of using inhaler !! hehe Adan can do it but he prefers thru chamber since direct puffs will leave nasty taste in his mouth and tongue. This time around he's on Combivent (2 puffs 4x) and Seretide (2 puffs 2x). This chamber need to be reqularly washed. Luckily we're on company GL so we need not to pay for the 2 sets.

I don't know why they gave this to us, my SIL said that 1 packet contains 2 sets of this. They used 1 for the neb. Adan is not afraid of neb, he's been a regular since he was a toddler. We call it 'Dragon'. Why ?? Smokes came out from the holes whenever he breathes which is similar to the dragon. Mother has to be super-creative when dealing with this kind of stuffs. Inhale through the nose and exhale through your mouth...good boy.

Harap2 okay la, dah lama x kena camni. If you look at him, memang takde tanda2 sakit pun. You feel like tying him to the dining table or tiang so that he stops moving. I'm lucky because my boy can take any medicine be it 3, 4 or 5 at one go !! Normally we'll rank which one is the yummiest and nastiest, so the yummiest will go 1st hehe that's Adan. Kalaulah Hanis yg kena makan ubat, mau nangis ibu dia...ubat demam perisa oren pun dekat 10min nak abiskan 5ml. Klu terlebih squeeze...uweeeeeeeekkk kosong la perut tu...


After so many unsuccessful attempts, I'm now getting the BENEFIT from my recent investment. Now pouting my Liar Lip.

Tuesday 15 January 2008

Of Stinky Tortoise(s)

What I was thinking !! When my brother asked whether or not I want a tortoise, for a pet of course. Then I just went crazy. Get 3 !! 1 each for the kids obviously Haha

The excitement lasted for few HOURS for them. During that very 1st few hours they already suffered mishaps that will surely left their hearts (I mean the tortoises) weak. The container fell about 1 metre to the floor and we scrambled to catch that tiny shells. Nyaris terpijak sekor. Then another mishap on coffee table that left the container dry. Nasib la ko.......

Then life as usual for the kids, as if they never existed. We, the parents now took care of them (feeding only maaa...) until Adan re-visited and that re-ignited his interest on them, so he's on feeding duty now.

What was funny is that, every single 1 of it has its own behaviour which is very much resembles the owner. I made observation, if you need to know, laugh at me but it can be therapeutic sometimes.

Adan gave his tortoise the power to transform, it's now get Optimus Prime as its full name, and Optimus will be the nama manja. This one is very agressive. Always on the move.

Along goes girlie with her Sweetie. Unpredictable little shell, sekejap aggresive sekejap shy and hardly react to feeding.

Both of them agreed that the last one will remain original, full name Tortoise, petname Totty. Can or not hehe Until the owner big enuff to appreciate a pet. And this one is always the one yg akan wallop all those food around. Bab makan laju jek.

How do we tell ? All 3 have their own unique print on their shells, very obvious even Adan can tell. And by their behaviour. Sweetie has a dark green shells, the other two have a yellow contour line. Optimus the one with a straight line on its back as if spine and that'll leave us with Totty. They're now about 3-4cm wide now...gettingbigger

Can you tell ??

Another thing, they are one stinky pet. I can assure you of that.........As Adan said "Urgh, stinky like a skunk" hahaha

Wednesday 2 January 2008

Skecher$ oso no good

During our bookshopping trip, I checked out $kechers outlet for my rubber sandal, Calies and to my disappointment, no sparkles, no love at 1st sight for me. The color was a bit 'kusam' compared to the one published online and the rubber was not as comfy as Cr0cs though the tag shown RM139. Not worth it at all.

Earlier, when I was doing my grocery shopping at C4, I spotted the pirated-version of Calies, like Cr0cs la kan, melambak2 kat Gi@nts/C4/kedai kasut Ah Meng. Malaysian ni memang bagus la bab2 ni. I've tried it on, it's comfy and the price ?? RM25.90 !! That's not even 20% of the original one.

So, why long as it serves the purpose, while 'teman'ing my MIL to buy curtain on Saturday, I snapped one (since they have no bright colors, I picked my favorite kusam color la). I'll lanyak this pirated-Calies sampai lunyai then only I'll get my Mary Jane. So, no mak buaya for the time being.

Testimony as of today : I liiikee

Selamat Tahun Baru 2008

Walaupun ala2 terlambat, sempat lagi.

Apa azam tahun baru ? Soalan yg sungguh x cool tapi still gatai nak tnya. My azam yang dah baper kali renew & dah mcm nak basi, apalagi nak siapkan all renovations by this year, tu pun kalau umah tu siap huhu.

We spent our New Year eve at a hotel, surprise treat for the kids, konon nak keluar for dinner and tengok bunga api, takde la surprise sgt sebenarnya sbb kitorg selalu bwk diorang tido hotel once in a while, seronok-seronok. Their preferred dinner = McD blerghhh. Pegi drive-thru kat Ampang jek pastu terus je masuk hotel, to ther delights. Along x sudah2 tanya "kita lepak je ke...tido sini??" sampai la masuk bilik. He he 12 midnight we rushed out sebab dengar bunyi api, tapi frust sebab hujan lebat and nampak asap jek. Lepas makan and layan Hannah ber'kuntau', kami Zzzzzz

As usual, xtvt wajib, since the pool was too far at the other side of the hotel, I let them berkubang dalam bathtub yang sempit itu. Presenting.....Hannah, the new member of the bathtub splashers. Abih lencun the whole expected hehe