Monday 21 January 2008

When Adan Goes to Hospital

It's been quite a while since his last attack, I thought his breathlessness is still at OK level, turned out that he's already wheezing over the limit. The sounds came from the lungs, not the throat anymore. How come I missed that sound ??

We are to blame as well, no pantang makan whatsoever, sumer hantam...all this while ok but due to the weather which is a bit cold lately, the lungs surrendered.

We were at APSH last Sat for his bi-annually check-up, tu yang kantoi tu...and we have to stuff this little guy so that he's at least 20kg by end of year. He only gained 500g from previous visit. What to do ?? His appetite is not bad, he can finish 2 servings of nasik lauk gulai or 2 bowls of mushroom soups in 1 sitting. Daily milk@formula consumption. Could be his metabolisme...and the fact that he always jumping, running, climbing is not helping either

Hannah was there as well to receive her last jap. last, ni la 1st time dia nangis masa immunisation. Selalu muka selamba jek baring layan toys, time kena cucuk berkerut muka jap...And this is also the 1st time that I have to give my kid a dose of PCM, she had slight temperature in the afternoon. Hanis and Adan have never developed any during their time. Alhamdulillah.

Some token from Dr Hal1za, itupun after 1 round of nebuliser at A&E on the spot.

This is what we call Aero Chamber to help kids who's yet to master the art of using inhaler !! hehe Adan can do it but he prefers thru chamber since direct puffs will leave nasty taste in his mouth and tongue. This time around he's on Combivent (2 puffs 4x) and Seretide (2 puffs 2x). This chamber need to be reqularly washed. Luckily we're on company GL so we need not to pay for the 2 sets.

I don't know why they gave this to us, my SIL said that 1 packet contains 2 sets of this. They used 1 for the neb. Adan is not afraid of neb, he's been a regular since he was a toddler. We call it 'Dragon'. Why ?? Smokes came out from the holes whenever he breathes which is similar to the dragon. Mother has to be super-creative when dealing with this kind of stuffs. Inhale through the nose and exhale through your mouth...good boy.

Harap2 okay la, dah lama x kena camni. If you look at him, memang takde tanda2 sakit pun. You feel like tying him to the dining table or tiang so that he stops moving. I'm lucky because my boy can take any medicine be it 3, 4 or 5 at one go !! Normally we'll rank which one is the yummiest and nastiest, so the yummiest will go 1st hehe that's Adan. Kalaulah Hanis yg kena makan ubat, mau nangis ibu dia...ubat demam perisa oren pun dekat 10min nak abiskan 5ml. Klu terlebih squeeze...uweeeeeeeekkk kosong la perut tu...

1 comment:

Hanum said...

i'm so familiar with those medicines and aerochamber... coz my nephews and niece pun sama species mcm anak ko jugak lah... and they are also so much underweight wpun melantak tak hengat punyer which their doc said the meds MIGHT hv side effect on the child growth... iye ke? wallahualam...