Saturday 25 September 2010

X-Matrix 123 Reunion Raya

After 12 years (even 15 for some), we met again in Putra He1ghts (A1za's house). They came in different shapes and sizes including moi. Some changed a lot while some stayed cute as ever hahaha Not to mention their cute little mini-me. Time flies, eh?

We used to flirt, made cruel jokes and said whateva things that came through our mouth and the funny thing is...we never changed !! I suppose, the spouses had to bear with us and accept whateva thrown to their partner that day and I hope it won't end in soklan cepumas in the bedroom later !! hehehe I'm happy coz they stayed true to themselves, not too much of hypocracy shown tho I myself did limit myself (esp. on food..but failed miserably of coz).

I miss them so much and glad that we did proceed with the event tho we only managed to get 1/2 of us. Food were in abundance as we agreed to potluck and dress casually. No raya dresscode required.

I, again, forgot to bring my camera which was sooooo not-me. So gotta rely on others, they had posted it on FB and everybody is still trading cruel jokes here and there hehehe...

All in all, I love my x-klasmate and wud love to see them again.

btw, I love how A1za decorated her house. Natural deco (not keras or too teratur mcm nk masuk majalah, u know) and homey.....UPDATE : Aiza came to my house last Sat nite sambil2 bwk slingback anak dara aku yg t'tinggal last week. Bravo for being adventurous enough to enter jalan yg gelap gulita and redah bukit yg gelap jua sbb lampu jalan all gone kaput. She reached the house around 9pm and left around 2.30am !! Best gila sembang....layan nasik minyak & kepok leko pastu dari teh 'o', jadik teh tarik pastu sambung kopi...sampai la berkabus kat luar x abis lagi cerita. Hmm...shud do it more..sape sanggup ?

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