Wednesday 15 September 2010

Oh's the baju, not me ;P

I'm in denial mode, so please spare me the OMG and whateva. Just say that I look...mmm OK ? or maybe sumthing similar to that

Told ya, it's the baju which was tailored ala-rosmah.

I have no bulges, no flabby's definitely the baju.


Biggest regret :( I did not capture couple shot of me and hubby di pagi raya nan mulia sbb sumer org bz nak makan and we had guest almost immediately after. Labuci or not, I had to don the apron !! Yet to get a copy of our family shot which may force me to admit in guilty that I in fact is carrying super bulges on my tummy. For now, I'm pretty sure I have none


ikan said...

ok ok ok ok ok

gambar raya kami tahun ini juga ntah apa apa.

Hanum said...

haha... awat la hang tailored ala2 rosmah... haha!! She came to NY recently ikut Pak Najib... and I'm sure hers was bulges... but yours... yess definitely the baju!!! Cheer up yo! Bulge tak bulge... ko mmg pretty n sweet!!

Tukang Campak said...

Dd:wei, xyah ah ckp OK sampi patploh kali.1x jadi ah hehe ko pun gambo x ckup sifat gak ?

nom:tqtq ko mmg pandai amek hati hahaha...bulges ku akan muncul jua...soon.