Sunday 12 September 2010

My love-hate affairs with...Bibik

We renewed our maid's 2nd year permit last July and increase her salary to rm500. I bought her a return ticket to go back for raya since last year after she promised to continue working for us when the 2 years contract expired. I sent her off 1-week before Eid, she should be back on 3rd raya.

She did.

With that, she now passed all the major test (kids, curi etc) where other maids failed, so for now she's a keep and will be with us for a long time, InsyaAllah. She still have some habits which are hard to break and I have to accept those as part and parcel of having a live-in maid. Give and take. I need your service and you need money. We meet somewhere in the middle. I take it as a test to see how patient I am (and how patient hubby can be having to tahan telinga listening to me pot-pet-ing hehe)

BTW, just before we renewed her permit, I had a serious talk with her after she 'buat perangai' during kenduri bertunang my sis. I stopped talking to her for almost 1 week until I lost it and talk to her openly. Knowing me, I can't bring myself to scold or yell to anyone including my maid (Note to myself and hubby : kat anak2 boleh pulak separa yell & full version scold. Change before you lost them to peers). Dalam kepala ayat intonasi gila marah, bila keluar kat mulut..foh feh foh feh...aku ungkit balik janji dia masa awal2 keje, she cried and apologised. I cried and sighed (lega sbb berjaya sampaikan mesej without being very-the-mem-style)

Alhamdulillah, she behaved better and most probably decided to let go a lil it of her 'diva-ness' and I've reminded her not to repeat any 'Neng-Yatimah' scene whenever my family members are around. Apalah yang susahnya duk umah aku ni, all well taken care of including your perasaan...silalah bersyukur wahai bibik ku. Aku juga kena bersyukur especially bila dengar citer2 ngeri bibik opismate & kawan2. Contohnya bibik yg mengompol sepender majikan & ntah siapa2 lagi, bibik yg menyorokkan henpon serta duit disebalik kepala katil, not to mention yang cabut tinggal anak2 kat rumah dan lagi dan lagi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks :)
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