Friday 5 February 2010

Gold Coast 2009 : Day 3 - 15 June 2009

3rd day started with excitement. Walaupun mula2 dah panik sbb celik jek dah terang benderang..padahal baru pkl 6am...subuh pkl 3am++

Everyone was up n about in jolly mood..the most anticipated agenda in our itinerary.


Our strategies :
1. ONE themepark PER DAY coz we have kids in tow and we dont want to rush them. Tired kids will throw tantrums which will definitely make the parents showing their tantrums as the end, where's the fun?

2. We bought ESCAPE PASS (2 parks in 3 days) for Movieworld and Seaworld, it's cheaper. We bought from kiosk over there as it is cheaper than buying online.

Themepark of the day : D R E A M W O R L D la la la.

Packed our bekal and hit the Pacific Motorway. The hard part (takde la susah sgt pon tp xleh label as smooth sailing la kan) was finding the hiway entrance coz there's a road closure & re-route went on. So we skipped the google direction & followed the actual roadsigns. Trust me, self-drive in GC is breezy..sbb bkn aku yg drive hahaha

From the hiway, you'll passthru Movieworld (MW) dulu on your left, Dreamworld (DW) is a lil bit further in Coomera, no worries, roadsigns are abundant, you won't miss it. Next to it is another wet park i.e. Whitewater, we recommend that you skip unless you wanna take a dip during summer.

Tip: Go as early as possible, it opens 10am - 5pm. Ambik gambar kat entrance seawal mungkin to capture the gojes clear blue sky especially during winter coz lights out around 5pm. See the difference ?

We saved 50% on the ticket using staff discount. Staff ?? hehe a company under Macquarie Group owns this themepark yippee yay yay. 50% is A LOT frenzz like AUD172 (rm450++). We had to request for a letter from Sydney & produced it at the counter together with staff ID. Mmm kalaulah they own all the themeparks kan ke best hehe. Jimat tuu...

Btw, bajet gi GC ni byk habis kat entrance fee about rm900++ per park for us (rate for all 3 that I went - AUD69 Adult AUD45 Kid), tu time rate quite low. But the money well spent I wud say...pueh hati la menyimpan selama ni :)

Masuk2 jek just nice ada Spongebob live show...i looike...tapi Hannah was so scared we had to stand at the back of of the mini theatre. Aciq & the kids joined the crowd singing and dancing to the songs...what a good start for the day

Pastu proceed to the kid's section for the rides, aku of coz la ambik rides yg 'paling mencabar' kan ?

Babah and Hanis get dizzy in these mini swing, just like one in Genting. Hannah endured it like 1 big girl unlike me who felt like puking the moment it started and I was not even on the swing hahaha.

This one is cool, put in AUD2 and start 'driving' the truck-head..zig zag zoom, roundabout and go find its container..the red truck should find the red container...I love this and Adan too was over excited, he jumped boing boing while holding the steering. He's a good driver coz he managed to avoid all other trucks that were trying to ram onto his...btw, you can only drive it on the light gray route, once your truck overshot to the dark gray area, u r stuck & goodbye AUD2...

Kat park ni klu nak catch shows ke apa2 kena alert & always refer to timetable, kami plan based on location sbb x mo rush sana sini.

Thai girl Tiger show pon ada :p Tempat ni pegi awal2 before show started and secure a spot kat depan pagar besi tu especially klu korang ada baby with stroller. Mcm aku dh terlambat ala2 gone case la weh..nmpk belakang mat salleh je la gayanya. Ambik gmbr pun main angkat2 snap jek..

Pastu sudah pastilah kau akan di paw kaw kaw kat dlm store jual brg2 yg super duper cute sampai aku pun naik mabuk. Klu anak2 korang hantu channel Nickelodeon siap la nak layan anak korang menggelupur kat sini haha, segala kwn Spongebob, Dora huhu. Sib baik bdk2 ni menggelupur kat mulut jek itupun dah terbang $$$$$ Hannah yg excited sbb byk brg yg ada nama dia. Botol air AUD15 erk pengsan sawan gulp !!

For kids yg funnya dkt Nickelodeon Central & Wiggles World. Suka betul dgn building and stuffs yang wanewani and very well-maintained, takdelah cat terkopek ke kaler kusam ke..

Ni kat dalam big red car, bapa ku pulang dari kota bapa ku belikan kereta..kereta kecil jek lepak dlm ni, sib baik 1 keter leh naik semua skali...sbb nak nunggu next car tu rasa mcm rugi masa jek queue

Inilah rupanya entrance ke Wiggles World, rupanya kami masuk dari belah belakang hehehe oopss..belakang2 sensitip aa skarang

Permainan yg paling aku benci sbb aku akan pening lalat sampai nak muntah tapi budak2 ni ligat je memusing

Boat kat belakang to boleh naik tau, tapi schedule dia mcm sgt lambat & nak perabih 1 circle tu lama la jugak, so kami pass jek, amek gambo je la..

Kan dah kata rasa macam genting hehe, cuma keter & org yang jaga dia sgt senang mata memandang..

By the way, we skipped all the scary rides...why ? Too scary...Tower of Terror, Giant Drop...nama pun dh cukup meng'scary'kan...kami duk je lah kat bwh dgr org terpekik terlolong...

Ada train rides klu agak2 penat dah jalan...naik dari stesen and zass tau2 sampai dkt ngan main entrance dah...letih ooo masa ni

Ada cowboy town yang rustic tapi cool, dalam ni ada lagi kedai souvenir yg best jugak la. Masa ni ramai plak org sbb mcm dah nak closing, since this place dah almost at the end sumer serbu baik punya..kat sini mmg konpem GC ni dh jadi mini malaysia, kiri kanan sumer org kita jek..masuk kedai belasah sembang mcm kat pasar la kekdahnya hehe

Dreammworld ni special dia adalah sbb dia combine dgn farm, so klu korang on tight schedule & tak sempat nak gi main2 ngan koala or kanggaroo kat mana2 park, maka silalah kemari.
Aku sangat yakin itu kanggaroo betina, tak pun pondan berdasarkan aksi penuh divanya itu. Along nyorok belakang pokok sbb dia baca buku kata kanggaroo leh libas org sampai mati dgn ekor dia !! I think I heard that warning too but mls to google to verify :p

Nak kata super fun rasa macam biasa aje, terasa mcm kat genting pun ada cuma dia punya grandiose-ness tu lebey berganda2 ah especially dgn crew yg sangatlah friendly & happy manjang.

Dalam tak best pun, we spent whole day in there 10am - 5pm !!

No worries, ada restaurant halal dalam ni, Billabong (tu kt bwh tu..). Masa kami pegi ada offer buffet combo meal AUD65++ for 2 adults & 2 kids. Mana2 ko pegi baik ticket, meal atau apa2 family package biasanya pakai saiz ni, agaknya ni std family size kat sana la kot.

Souvenir is definitely expensive but it's worth buying, so just set aside a budget. I didn't buy much here, mostly untuk diri sindrik. Masa ni lom dpt feel lagi ni..

Koala yg seakan-akan memanggil..belilah saya belilah saya...aku jawab..tidakk...tidak... hannah kata..ibu, nak, nak...ibu jawab lagi..tidakkk..tidak...karna..yg kenit di bawah itu pun suda AUD30 haha jadi aku beli yg kecik terlepek tepi dinding mcm monkey tu je..jadi la..

Dibelakang Adan itu adalah kedai coklat ye, sgt parent trap tempat itu...end-up aku beli gak M&M sbb container dia ada logo DW :) and few other things, ala dia mcm kiosk coklat klcc or pavilion tu jek, cuma aku mmg x kuat imah klu bab2 kedai cekelat nih..

Aksi2 penyudah sementara tunggu babah & aciq pi solat, dah fenat tapi fuas...hannah volunteer nak duduk stroller

Once masuk keter, tiba2 sumer kebulur & Hannah terus gone Zzzzz....ingatkan tak penat, seharian dia happy...

We zoomed to town to get our dinner, nasi goreng. To recharge after few days without nasik. Order kat Maharan1 @AUD12/pack only to be given this pathetic-looking nasik goreng yang tak rata. Taste-wise..sorry aku pakai perencah lagi best. Coupled with what I said in previous entry. Aku t'paksa go against popularity votes by NOT RECOMMENDING this eating place. Klu baca blog lain, some even said this is a must-go. You may want to try...this is my personal view & experience

We oso bought our Escape Pass from nearby kiosk, the lady even gave us 3 fridge magnets FOC hehe TQ TQ

On our way back, I made a quick stop at another grocer, C0les to get another batch of groceries. The rest balik umah sbb dah flat gila2. Since I bought a lot of liquid (milk + water + juice) I brought the trolley home !! Sumer org pandang aku atas bawah, yg dok seberang jln pun tunjuk2 kat aku, ada yg bisik2 blkg aku masa kt junction 'Maybe she didnt know that she can't bring it back'. hehe mgr apartment aku dh cakap dia kata dia akan return, tu psl aku leh wat toya jek hangkut hahaha.

Seperti mlm2 sebelumnya, aku akan menghayati brg2 yg telah aku rembat sbg ubat tidor dan mula berpikir, ni nak bagi sapa, tu nak simpan kot hehe...

Day 3 ended with smiles. Dah terbayang Movieworld untuk esok hari...cepat la siang. Sebenarnya dlm hati teringin nak gi snap gambar sunrise kat main beach coz it's definitely breathtaking..apakan daya, aku x mampu bukak mata at 4am++, nak jln ke beach time la ye...


Mrs.NZ said...

super duper best ah...bila la dpt gi OZ.cari halal food pun senang.

Tukang Campak said...

bessttt...hang cover europe dulu sementara duk sana pastu dh balik sini baru pikir down under...a'ah sana sng cari food

ikan said...

dreamworld ni mcm akan kena slash sajek..heheheh

depa tu sure ingat ntah budak mana la bawak balik troley tu...hahahah

cant wait movieworld and seaworld!!
go zie go....

idasm said...

best3! zie, mula2 aku konfius ngan tudung mu, sekejap warna kelabu, sekejap warna hitam. tp skang aku paham doh. hehe.

zie, nasi goreng kedai maharani tu tgk gambar pun dh tau tak sedap. serius, rasnaya dia terlupa ayat ni .. " kacau hingga sebati" .. hehe

ok. aku tunggu lagi.

Tukang Campak said...

Ida..hehe tudung kelabu tu terbang lps aku naik mende apa doh... tu yang aku ikat blakang pahtu pakai snowcap...

mmg x sedap weh...

sabo eh aku tgh pilih gambor lg ni..