Tuesday 2 February 2010

Gold Coast 2009 : Day 2 - 14 June 2009

Long due post ...harap tak t'lambat utk dijadikan pedoman utk kengkawan yang nak gi sana. I'm trying my best. Here we go..
WARNING : LOADS OF PIX..might load 1/2way, pls refresh.

14 June 2009 - SUNDAY

We decided not to menyibuk with the locals in the themeparks during the weekend. Strategy sebenarnya to avoid contact with people coming from H1N1-affected-zone, ye la..we were there at the height of HINI outbreak down under. No touch touch eh..

Pagi2 lagi both of us went out to get our ride from Hertz's office at Trickett St. We pre-booked everything during MATTA Fair at PWTC, zero booking fee !! We HAVE TO book MPV coz there were SIX of us. Car is only allowed for max of 5 and we make sure we insisted to be given a new model. We booked an MPV for 7 days @ AUD550 (AUD1=RM2.7). Pickup at GC office and return at Brisbane Airport. The office is within walking distance from our place but we went up too further away, like 2, 3 blocks. Lucky it's winter so no sweating involved. We shown them the booking slip, opted for a full tank instead of petrol voucher so we just need to refill the tank before returning it, 1 booster seat, no GPS (bravo us !!). Swipe the card and it's ours !! We checked the condition of the car, Estima baru...hehe kat sana the call it Tarago (Hanis made a joke..kereta ni 'tara go' as in kenot go punya). Took a picture of all scratches & dents to save us from being charged unnecessarily. The moment we hit the road..tiba2 ku berangan...suamiku, sila beli Estima hahaha

Tip : Very easy & safe to drive there. Same as M'sia (right-side driver) but their enforcement is very very strict. Buckle-up, child on seats, no speeding and all. Unless korang kaya coz they will trace your down in KL and serve you the ticket !! Don't forget to bring your driving license. It's valid over there..yippee

Bila driver dah dpt feel bwk MPV, balik pickup the rest, had a breakfast yg aku dah siapkan awal2 (soup + mee goreng segera hehe). And zoom zoom to our 1st destination.

Where to ? Panaskan enjin shopping dulu la...went to 1 of the most popular morning market, Carrara Market somewhere in Carrara (obviously). Pasar minggu ni..klu kat Ganu panggil 'kedai sari' (originated from kedai sehari). Berpandukan direction dari Google Earth yg telah ku print dgn jayanya kami sampai ke sana walopon awal2 agak cuak sbb rasa mcm jauh.

Tip : Sapa biasa join treasure hunt & jadik navigator, map ni sgt useful sbb dia ala2 nk baca tulips else akan sedikit konpius. On the way ke sana we passed thru Pacific Fair shopping complex (we gave this place a pass) dan juga kasino C0nrad Jupiter yg agak glamer...lain2 ada jgk cuma x tersenarai sbg tempat must visit, so...pass.

Pix was taken on our way back, that's why it's on the right side. Kalau tak it wud be on our left from Surfers right after the junction.

Sampai sana terus round & beli apa yang patut. Jgn beli souviner kanggaru/koala clip kecik2 disana. AUD5/pack when you can get it at AUD2 from elsewhere...tipah tertipo disini, sib baik beli 2 pack jek (AUD10 dapek DUA JEK !! instead of FIVE ) hoho lesson learned, sila percaya pada tips internet.

We bought stuff that we felt we wont find it elsewhere. Sarung bantal ala carpet kanggaro dikirim oleh seseorg, the cute sleeping sock for the kids and souvenir t-shirts yg tulis 'Someone who loves me went to GC bla bla..some fridge magnets oso worth buying...pre-loved books were cheap...some boomerang designs you won't find anywhere else...so just follow your heart & no regret.

Another lesson learned...everywhere you gooo, people want to knoww, who we are... sila bawa botol mineral & wetwipes. Aku b'jaya 'cebok' si Hannah dgn 1 large pack of wipes sbb diorg xde water tap kat dlm toilet. DRY TOILET ye puan2. Dah abis 1 pack, aku kuar & Q balik sbb aku nak isi air dlm bekas tisu tu, make sure anak aku cebok ngan air, minah2 saleh mcm heran apsal la minah ni susah payah...wakakaka geliiiii. Other places shud be alright as long as ada parent's room. Kan aku dh kata tpt ni kan ala2 pasar minggu gitu..

Udah selesai acara pasar minggu kami buka map lagi & zoom to Harbour Town for ultimate shopping. Sampai2 carik kebab dulu, laparrr...Ispa kebab adalah yummylicious @AUD9/piece. Bagak weh. btw, BILA MAKAN SILA JANGAN CONVERT !! Sure korang rasa nak jilat wrapper sumer.

Lokasi kedai kebab Ispa ini sgt strategik sbb dekat ngan fountain ni , kira meeting point la klu korang pi ramai2 & split.

Pastu pi ambik Tourist Card kat Tourist Centre, discount applicable for the day only, lain hari kena gi ambik lagi. But to tell u the truth, we hardly use it coz the T&C byk songeh. Hubby & SIL solat dulu at the centre. Aku rasmi acara dulu, we split karna selera & tekak yg berbeza dlm bidang shopping. Man memborong dkt Canterbury yg super cheap, aku plak duk pening2 kat Pumpkin Patch + Crabtree & Evelyn. Baru nak mabuk tiba2 baru prasan weekend kedai tutup awal, 5pm (3pm klu kat KL tgh hyper kan ?). Arrghhh...capai apa yg patut & register dlm kapla apa yg nak serbu klu sempat dtg lagi. Nike & Adidas adalah tidak best mengikut skala kitorg, so Adan sambar cap ManU jek sebijik. Sekian.

Kat sini, bilik baby adalah superb dan senang sbb ada special room yg ada the bowl & sink. So korang boleh la masuk situ & settle anak2 korang dlm tu jek without susah payah nak isi air dlm botol 4,5 round. The room even provided with microwave & TV with kids programme on !! I wish we have the same here. Kat atas tu aku buat aksi hena sbb mcm x sempat nk grab minah tu gi baby room, kedai nak tutup dah tu...Hannah sdg dipakaikan seluar baru sbb dia tlh kebocoran & stok seluar abis :P

Stop kat Woolworths (Woolies for local) to buy some groceries before heading home, dia tutup lambat sket, by this time kedai2 lain sumer dh close. Beli segala beras, telur, gula milo, roti, buah and sempat sambar fresh cherries... btw, beli brg ni nak selamat just head to vegetarian / kosher or asian aisle. Ada 1 brand ni kat KL pun melambak, so leh la beli dgn konfidennya. Aku lopa lagi namanya..huhu masterfood kot

Saja snap sbb nak riak Pyrex baru, purposely beli kat sana utk masak haha. Cheap weh menatang Pyrex kat sana. Aku beli kt supermarket je nih, bukan outlet pon. Cover dia aku guna utk goreng2.

Slurp slurp..lazat lazat, ni la kebab yg kami duk beli siang malam. Lamb ye...Adan duk ingat sampai la ni. Ni 2nd round for the day, beli utk dinner plak before balik dr Harbour..

Cantik view malam2 from balkoni, ada funfair kat belakang apartment, very the colorful and skali2 dgr org jerit sbb ada rides yg agak ngeri gak la utk tarap funfair...tak main ah merry go round sumer tuh

Perut dah kenyang, mandi (org kg katakan, tetap mandi air sejuk walau winter haha), tukar baju tebal sket and drag our sore feet to the heart of Gold Coast, Cavill Ave ..again we're lucky to rent an apartment there coz it's so convenient. Not to forget that it's stroller-friendly everywhere..i looike...x sia2 aku bwk 2 bijik. Click HERE to view the location of our apartment from the heart of GC.

Acara survey & beli sikit2 bermula. Hard Rock, DONE. The best gift shop here goes to one shop owned by Sarawakian. Aku leh lupa nak snap gambar & hafal nama kedai. Tak silap aku nama dia ada royal, gift sumthing tapi yang pasti dia kat Surfers P'dise Blvd, area2 yg dipenuhi kedai kepunyaan manusia yg berasal dr M'sia. Go in and you'll feel at home hehe, best bukan sbb price aje tapi varieties & their friendly manner. Kami borong byk gakla souvenir kat sini...t-shirt, coaster, the AUD2 roos clip and....nougat !! original price dh murah, lepas lambak kat kaunter, another round of discount given...waaaaaa...suker suker..

Checked the most famous Malay restaurant but was put off by their way of wooing customers. Saya tidak respek tektik itu Pak Haji ! Siriyes weh..GC ni mcm dh invaded by Malaysian tau...baik tokei kedai & tourist..ckp kuat sikit sure ada yg tanya, malaysian eh hehe

Kedai kat sini tutup lambat sikit, tapi sbb kami dh lembik lutut, jalan pelan2 balik. That's our GC place at night. Tapi elok sampai rumah sumer terbuntang mata, mana taknya, KL bru pkl 7pm. Aku masak la apa2 yg patut, sejuk2 ni..makan megi tomyam pun best, kan ? Slurrp..Hannah pun bantai sampai merah2 mulut. Hehe our rule : you can eat anything during holiday, Adan can do any type of icecream & lollies, kids can do jajan. Not healthy ? Yes, but it's a holiday peeps hehehe. Aku? Lps kasik depa mkn, aku bz mengexcitedkan diri dgn hasil borongan dlm bilik.

Adan can't sleep till past midnight Oz time, so he kept me company in the kitchen. Me preparing another batch of soup & garlic bread for breakfast plus half-cooked noodles for bekal.

The day after this was a long day..@ Dream World.....nite nite everyone

The End of Day 2 (baru Day 2 ?..mati la korang tunggu haha)

Nota kaki kembang :Some / same pix loaded up in my FB oredi, cuma story jek yang x kuar2


ikan said...

we want more! we want more!
kalau iman we want green ketika traffic light merah..

cute giler stokin hannah... ngan legging... uihhh we want baby girl...we want baby girl... hahahahaha

Tukang Campak said...

hehe..sabaq nooo...aku janji siapkan by this month haha (ciri2 janji palsu nih)

legging tu mmg kiut, syg xde saiz aku. Hanis pun sedih x dpt. Amiin baby girl amiin

idasm said...

hehe! ada pun akhirnya. takpe zie, lambat pun aku setia menanti..
tp aku lambat baca sebab 2hb aku dh fly! hehe. kejap aje 5 hari 4 mlm.