Thursday, 26 November 2009
Salam Aidil Adha
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Yay yay..dapat hadiah...
Congrats to both of you. Tho tak dapat Top 3 but it's ok as long as I can see all A's in the report card.
Along was 6th in her class, but 8th for overall Year 3 (out of almost 300 students)
Adan was 5th in his class and overall for Year 1 (about 300 students as well). He was top student for Bahasa Arab wakakaka mana mari ni ? tiba2 x ngaku skolah agama
Both Year 3 & Year 1 got 7 (Yes..SEVEN) classes each. From Amanah up to Gemilang with about 40 students per class. Damn crowded..
You two have done well in your exam. Ibu and babah will try to improve the 'revision system' next year. No more last minute study or night before exam kinda revision. errkk dah beranak pinak pun mcm x leh nak ilang tebiat study last min ni, bahaya nih...
* Time nak upload x jumpa memory card, mana pi ? later...
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Majulah Sokan Untuk Kompeni Nov 2009
Main x reti nak lari, klu single x pe la. Main double mau kena smash ngan partner. Kdg2 partner x leh amek bola sbb aku diri depan dia..haha hena sunggoh..
To make thing even 'sweeter', we found out that we were planning our line-up (terjemahan : susunan pemain ye..khas utk yg bukan spesis bersokan) using the wrong format becoz the captain missed 2 latest meetings. Instead of 1 single and 4 doubles event, it's actually all double events. Ngan player tak dtg lagi..memang 'best' la team tahun ni. Nak wat cemana, letak je la mana2 player yang 1st agak konfiden leh gi semiF sbb grouping 'ringan'. Group sama ngan BeeSN, M0F, AssC. Ni gambar ngan team AssC
1st game, we estimated 50-50 but due to new format we just put in the only available player for 1st double. We got trashed. 2nd double was trashed as well. Followed by ladies double which we knew a lost cause beforehand. That's it. 3-0 and with that we knew no semiF for us. I went in with may partner for mix double to break the point. We won. 3-1. The last pair went in, and won the game. 3-2. At least our reputation is intact.
2nd game ngan BeeSn konpem la kena belasah. Mana aci game cenggini depa letak state & national player !! 5-0. Yang lawan aku national player, siap cangkung2 aku x tau nak buat apa. Serve..Pangg!!! Chop..Pangg!! Tolak..Pangg!! waaaaa...makkkkk...tak nak kawan. Paling best masa game aku, 2nd set, aku dah kena 10-0 (mata akhir tu..). Skali awek national ni sgtlah dgn obviousnya mem'flip'kan bola ke net...kahkahkah point kesian 11-1 hahaha ada perasaan jugak rupanya dia. Partner aku dh gelak2 sound team diorg 'Wak nayo ko kawe lagu ni weh...', depa bantai gelak tu. Pengumuman : majoriti player tournament adalah ore kelate.
3rd game terpaksa memerah keringat sebab kalau kalah, kami dpt gelaran team belasahan. Team AssC memang x penah menang mana2 game since diorang join. Tapi dulu lagi teruk, memang kena 5-0 saja. Kami yg cikai ni pun belasah depa 5-0 :). But last year depa convert ladies player and a few guys pakai bat pimples, so x dapeklah kami merasa straight win. We won 3-2. Me and my partner sgt struggle sbb both of us can't sweat, dah la pagi, aircon sikit punya kuat, numb fingers siot..pegang bat semacam jek.
Tapikan..ikut ati mau jek aku main dart ngan carom next year. Takde acara berpeluh dah, bedak tak cair, kan ?
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Reno : Scrapped No.1 - Water Meter

So the 1st thing that I WISHED but had to SCRAP.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Hari Kantin la pulak...31 Oct 2009

Sekian, laporan dari saya...
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Gold Coast 2009 : Day1 - 13 June 2009
Let's rolllll
Inilah dia beg hikmat saya. 1 luggage for 5 of us coz we rented a self-contained apartment (term kat sana ye), sini kita panggei fully-furnish la kot ye..tektik yang telah dirancang dari awal oleh shopaholic mummy :) Agak2 x cukup kita beli baru la kan ? Other than that, I knew I'm a great packer hehe.
All in all, aku telah menge'pack' brg2 ini :
1 big luggage for baju bajan (not even full)
1 small luggage for foodstuff (this will be explained in detail later esp. for those with babies & those planning to cook)
Hand carry
1 knapsack
2 strollers
1 baby bag
Nilah dia muka sebenar cik Hannah klu time mamai or bebai hahaha..dia bengang aku x bagi ikut babah masuk check-in line. Apa2hal pun berpegang teguh dgn beg talian hidup dia tuh..ada 1 botol susu (mls nak bancuh due to that 100ml restrictions, bancuh onboard nanti) + 3 compartment susu to survive +- 12-hour journey. Tak cukup kalu, milk-machine ada to 'dispense' the fresh one ;P
Muka kalau dah tahap ni, jgn la buat silap, silap ayat ke silap intonasi ke, haruslah jadik bahan dia nak melalak
Naik2 tgk seat dah kemas and dpt blanket baru. Aik..ingatkan sbb h1n1 ni terlebey hygenic rupanya sbb ada passenger baru dari Sydney nak ke KL. Depa akan transit kat Brisbane..oooo gitu.
Sambil tunggu tu buatlah keje2 yg berpekdah sikitkan.. so kami ambik gambar lagi (ada pekdahnya ni), pastu g kutip segala brochure, magazine yg penuh kat kaunter tu. Sbbnya kami nak peta byk versi + kupon2. Oleh kerana lps GC kami akan meredah Brisbane maka aku kutip brochure BNE siap2...nak kena study beb..budak2 plak excited dok picit touchscreen map airport. Jgn risau..di sini aku gelarkan sebagai zone Muslim friendly. Surau & halal food outlet ada di mana2.
Aku nak amek gambar ala mural gedabak kat atas nun, so aku selit je la anak dara aku, baru la memenuhi konsep ' I woz ere', kang xde bukti plak aku penah pegi..korang tgkla betapa gersangnya airport ini. Hanya arriving passenger & supir2 yg menunggu dgn placard nama sahaja (pak guard tetap ada..)
Masa turun flight, depa sediakan tong sampah untuk ko buang segala mak nenek foodstuff yg xleh bwk. Pastu masa Q klu ko ada bwk food, ckp siap2 kt officer kata ko ada brg nak declare, nanti dia terus bwk ko g kaunter declare, else ko kena lalu scanner n ada anjing hidu skali, gila babas besar itu anjing, bila b'diri sama paras pinggang aku..ngeri, sib baik pakai vest, ada la faktor kiut sikit..
What I did, all stuffs needed to be declared (food, medications) letak in 1 luggage and aku prepare 1 list (will be posted later). Bwk 2 copies. Sediakan kunci beg kt tempat yg mudah nak ambik sbb they will definitely ask you to open klu declare ada food. You can sorta try your luck by placing 'suspicious items' (like cambells soup powder which got dairy content etc) at the bottom. Put those good item on top, the worst they can do is just throw it in the bin.
Ni entrance, bukak2 je pintu ada laundry room. Got washer & dryer. Sabun ada jual powder in sachet. Takyah beli sbb dah ada kat tepi tu, previous guest tinggal la kot.
1st bathroom for my SIL & kids usage. Melompat tgk bathtub. Mlm tu menggigil, carik suis heater x ada. Alamak !! Rupa2nya depa provide portable heater for each room. Legaa
The living area, dining & kitchen, open concept sbb depa tak main tumis2 hehe. Ibu mithali terus bertugas, standby air panas utk susu. Itu jek yg SIL aku snap mlm kami sampai. Aku dah ilang ghairah sbb dlm kepala dh plan what to do nxt morning.
Bwh ni gmbr apartment yg aku sempat amek masa nak blah, tu psl katil x senonoh jek rupanya
Master with walk-in closet and attached bathroom (got jacuzzi maa...aww) Jacuzzi hape nye..winter ni weh.
Dari sudut ceh sudut plak...from dining area. Laki sapa la yang mithali sgt kat dapur tu.
Ni bilik 2nd. Kalau booking bilik on the net, the moment letak no. of guest, automatic the room type akan changed to the one yg boleh suit the size. Being M'sian (haha) aku terpikir gak, agak2 depa check tak klu aku sewa apartment 1 bilik je. Tapi pikir2 balik, kang x psl2 aku xleh masuk and forced to rent another room, chaos la plak, dahla negara org kan ? x berani beb. So that's it.
Day 1 officially end here.