Wednesday 25 March 2009

Stop & Stare, Sure Nampak

So yeah, I've started yet another attempt to lose my weight so that my BMI will drop to a more healthy level, overweight doesn't sounds goodlah. I might need to go and test my cholesterol level next.

I maintain a diary on what I eat & do for the past week. There's a few hit and misses (like...1-foot tuna sandwich @ D0me n nan cheese 4 dinner erkss) . I'll publish it once I reached my goal, 50 or 52kg. I will treat you to my before-and-after pic as well...if there's abvious differences lah...else just my vitals hehe

As for now...have a look at my current prosperous body a la muscle-man and me camwhoring in the gym. Gym yg lengang takde sape nak pakai benda2 zmn dinasour except for me yg desperado. Enuff la, serve the purpose and I can hog it as I wish..hehe

Ni Malek N00r pn surrender ni, tak pun balak tumbuk tgn sendiri Shieldt0x...membunuh !! Gambar courtesy of Hannah, Ibu dia x sempat adjust angle bajet paling cun, dh kena snap..

See ? Told ya, I'm good in disguising my look. I look 'fit' n normal. I used the jacket to make me sweating faster coz there's dumb people who like to turn on the aircond and exercise in a freezing cold gym. U don't want to know what's beneath...I'll show you..later...Wish me luck babe...... yet again hahahaha

Note : I might not drop an obvious kilo(s) coz I'm doing some weighlifting & cardio as well. My muscle will gain some weight but yeah I can see some improvement on my tummy, courtesy of uZap (that I bought 2 years ago !! haha)

This entry is auto-published : Today & tomorrow I'll be in Subang Jaya, attending course on accounting..mmm I'm ready to die.


Anonymous said...

go zie go... wish u luck.. all the best.. pasni ensure leher x berlipak.... lengang pung jgn bappok sgt...

idasm said...

tahniah3... dok seke aku mu semangat giler nih.... mcm ni aku pong kena semangat etek ah..

ezz...formula mu bg aku dulu tu mmg ok sgt.. cuma aku ni aje yg dok kuat semangat... tolong3!!!

wish u luck zie!!!

edrina said...

caiyuk..caiyuk zie...u can do it.
part iklan ubat nyamuk tu lawak terbahak2 aku baca kakakaka

edrina said...

caiyuk..caiyuk zie...u can do it.
part iklan ubat nyamuk tu lawak terbahak2 aku baca kakakaka

edrina said...

caiyuk..caiyuk zie...u can do it.
part iklan ubat nyamuk tu lawak terbahak2 aku baca kakakaka

Kopi Suam said...

Actually ezzah aku nak tanya kamu..jamu apa yang kamu makan...ezam reveal malam tu kat umah pinie...share le ngana ku...aku pun nak kuruih macam hang...

zie good luck and all the best...aku dah patah semangat ni...rasa mcm nak masuk reality show the biggest losses...

Anonymous said...

zirap.. aku x mkn jamu utk kurus la.. muahahah.. aku mkn jamu kasi ada energy jek.. keje teruk, pg kena bangun awal nk siapkan bekal anak daaa..

zie, aku mkn jamu apa? sila jwb... muahahhaha... jawapan dia jamu mak dara.. iye kwn2.. muahahha... aku dh bgtau zie dulu.

btw zirap, aku mkn berjaga2... kite cite pjg di bandung ok? :P

Hanum said...

haku impressed!!.. kipidap sistah!!.. i'm sure u'll achieve ur target :)...

owh... i miss the gym tingkat 14 sooo much!!.. tmpt aku bertapa gak tu dolu2... syiok wek.. gym ana yg punyaa!!!

Tukang Campak said...

Ezz : Hok lengang tu insyAllah tp hok dagu mcm payoh je, trademark famly aku tuh hehe.

Ida : Mmg aku siriyes nih..klu dok dokkang la aku tolok makang nan cheese kedai mung aritu..

Edd : tq tq...kasik smgt sket. ye la..tgk gmbr tu mmg aku tingat iklan tuh..

Zira : Hahaha Izam memang, asik pecah lubang citer mak dara. Maklumla 'hasil' memberansangkan hahaha kan ezz kan ??

Ezz : Jamu anak dara tade ke ?

Hanum : Jgn impressed lg babe..tggu aku koros bru ko kagum. mmmm...tkt14 tu mcm ada JP4, gym kat tkt 11 la dear hehehe ko balik nanti ko akan kagum ngan gym kt Lanai perrgh

Hanum said...

apa daa tkt 14.. aku nk cakapkan tkt 11 le tu.. hehehe... weh, dengar lanai canggih giler sehh... siap simmingpul tahap resort bagai... ha ko tak berendam kuak lentang kupu2 sume tu ke??.. sure mantap body hakak aku pasni ni, maikel flep pon tak bley lawann!!...

PerantauSepi1306 said...

muehehehehe.. cayalah zie...oppsss did i catch you 'dieting' at the cafe tempoh hari ;p ekekekekee