Thursday 4 December 2008

Jom Layan Langkawi Day 1 (19 Nov)

Aku konon nak tiru Ayu ah kasik korang berpinau tgk gambar jek tanpa ayat2 cinta walopon aku sihat walafiat. Tapi..being me..aku nak gak citer. Kang x leh recall plak kejadian.

To kiddos, now you know tempat2 bersejarah and to myself do not underestimate their readiness for that kind of stuffs. Why ? Coz we almost skipped the historic places thinking that they won't be interested when in fact we are the one who took that places for granted. Take note ah ibu and babah.

As usual, we are not the species who were granted with the luxury of planning our getaway waayyyyy ahead. Mmg takde chance la nak book flight tix yg dirt cheap tuh. By the time kitorang konpem the trip. Flight ticket sudah bapak mahal...sudahnya naik keter jelah...

Blah from KL around 4am on the 19th sbb nak singgah Bkt Gantang tgk Pak Long yg dah uzur. Subuh kt Sg Perak, tapau bekpes untuk Wa skali. Sampai sana mandikan askar2, bekpes man sempat tolong Wa handle Pak Long yg dah bedridden. Sedihnya tgk, harap2 aku sempat berjasa kat parents aku klu2 diorg dlm keadaan camtu. Kami blah from Bkt Gantang around 9am. Sampai jeti, keter tinggal umah geng UUM gak, Mat Shahaq kat Kangaq (it rhymes..yay). Seblom naik feri grab Ramly burger sket buat bekal...nyum nyum syedapp.

Burger mereka sgt nipis kerana daun maun telah dikuis-kuis xcept for Hannah

Sgt sesak, tp sib baik kami conquer the whole row

Naik top deck x de org so lepak atas je, dak kecik ni klu ngan babah suka pose camni..

Sampai sana, amek keter, chow carik proper meal somehere kat Kuah only to be back at the Jetty for Kenny R0ger's since sumer org x leh decide nk makan apa or kat mana. Cilok belon bebanyak kat situ and blah to our lovely resort at Chenang.

Gambar ambik syarat, ada 3 first timer (last time Hannah still dlm perut)

I know this is a bit late but...izinkanlah aku menjakunkan diri aku dan kagum dgn resort itu. I knew that I booked a unit with 5 rooms akan tetapi...tidaklah aku menyangka akan kebagakan unit itu. Besssaaaaaar gilerrr. Patutla masa check-in mamat tu tanya aku 'Ramai ni je kak ?' hahaha dan dengan itu aku declare...'Aku Kagum dan Vangga'.

Master bedroom on top floor with huge balcony out there

1st day berlalu without any significant event except for ignoring 3 pouting kids who were not allowed to attack the pool yet. But we let them berkubang in our jacuzzi. Pastu dh sejuk2 keluar dinner kat tempat yg mmm how to describe that ah. No need lah.

End of DAY 1


Anonymous said...

ruginyer x dpt ikut.. next trip kite plan elok2 yek... muahahha.. nak menempel gak ni..

Anonymous said...

nape takde citer pasal rumah baru..dengarnya dorang dah dapat kunci rumah. DECO TIME.

Hanum said...

haku lagik skali gewaammm tgk muka hannah!!.. hengko tgk la jelingan maut dia melantak burger... garrrangg sehh!! i like!!

Ayu Mohamad said...

Zie.. lepas ni kite bleh buat trip reramai la weii hahahahah
syiokkkk apaaaa hahahahaha

MS.QHEARTS said...

nak tau apsal mamat reception tu tanya camtuh? sbb org2 cam saya la.. wa bawak 8 adults and 5 children dlm itu rumah... havoc gitu ;)

PerantauSepi1306 said...

oooo ko la yek yg dah memenuhkan resort tuh.. neway LGK mmg best and syiokkk.. jom wat anuall trip.. next time ajak genge la weh...

Tukang Campak said...

Ezz :rugi oo..wokeh,tgkla nxt trip kot ada rezeki nama sangkut.

Anon :almosr ilang perasaan excited, nvrtheless, will blog l8er.

Hanum :Dia ni pakar bab jeling org. Nangis & jerit mmg forte dia.

Ayu :Tu nak kena JV ngan sydde tuh gayanya. Boleehhh

Lin :Mmg baloi bawak camtu, sure best & hingaq hahaha. Kami ni sbb ramai yg kensel.

Sydde : Jommmmmm