Friday 11 July 2008

My turn la plak

I've been salivating over PDAs so it's no secret that I wish I can get my hands on it come my birthday. But then, I 'harassed' my colleagues' PDA, mcm2 spesis ada...ku try, ku pegang , ku gosok, ku picit bagai...akhirnya aku rasa....I'm just not the PDA-type and thinking how i'm gonna handle it while struggling with the kids add another -ve point to it. So, no PDA for me this year (another hint tu ye yang), I'll stick to my tembun 5300 yg makin kiut sejak2 aku letak pink bear hehe

So, selfish-ness aside, I think I'll let hubby buy a more practical gift. Masa pi beli present for our neighbor's wedding, mata aku terjeling benda alah ni..

2 in 1 microwave oven, can grill oso. This gonna be my very 1st microwave ever hahaha Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah...all this while, I do all the reheating the ol skool way...steaming with the piuk kukus 2 tingkat itu.

My only worry is that, this is a tabletop unit so it's not advisable to fit it in built-in kitcab. It's due to the position of inverter or something. So I need to visualise whether I'll have enuff space to put this giant on my tabletop ( Width : 61.1cm) . Tadi sempat berYM ngan Ezzah, her version is smaller and she said as long as jaga elok2 this should last long enough but the letdown is : it takes forever to roast.

I'm gonna do some survey whether they have same model for built-in. Aku sudah jatuh chenta hahaha

Sebenarnya, ni kira ubah gaya hiduplah ni kehkehkeh, so instead of aku beli oven gabak cam Dd and another microwave to be fitted in, aku downsize selera aku and spend about 1/2 the cost. So time nak masuk umah nanti x yah dah nak beli....owh...tetiba aku rasa aku sungguh bijak dan mithali sekali...

So we'll see whether I'll get it or not (please, please)...hubby might have different ideas.


Anonymous said...

hahaha.. ku doa hajatmu tercapai..

Ayu Mohamad said...

ku jua mendoakanmu hehehehehe

ikan said...

survey abis cik kak...kang nyesal...
tabletop lawa + mahal kena tutup ngan mende ni kang. nanti toaster lagi...termos lagi..piyuk nasi lagi...
hahahahha...just my 1 cent!

enjoy buying!!!

Kopi Suam said...

yeee laa zie aku rasa hang survey dulu..aku rasa kalau hang beli yang built in tu lebih berbaloi kot untuk jangka masa panjang lebih value for your money...rasa aje laaa walau pun aku tak beli benda ni..tapi hubby dapat hadiah masa kawin..ku tak guna pun sebab bukan kaki masak2 macam korang..

semoga hajat hang dimakbulkan..amin

PerantauSepi1306 said...

zie.. aku pun suggest ko survey dulu speshly yg built in tu... sbb memasak guna electric oven perasann dia lain dari microwave tau, speshly roasting chicken, perhhh anak aku misti cakap cam makan kat kenny rogers la ibu ;D

setakat nak panaskan menda-menda or wat makaroni bakar, beli je dlm 300 (or below) boley dapat panasonic yang bila siap bunyi dia kringgggg ;D

Hanum said...

built-in... jgn tak built-in.... heheheh.. i loikee!!!

Tukang Campak said...

keh keh keh TQ

pandangan korang memang bernas dan menyedarkan aku dari mandrem kedai letrik tuh...