Wednesday 30 April 2008

Me the GOOD citizen

Pagi2 lagi aku telah mengonlinekan diri aku..Kahkakah...walaupun aku the menge'fail'kan tax declaration aku on 11th hour, tapi aku still masuk kategori good citizen apa...

suka suka...sbbnya masa eFiling was introduced, we managed to file, masa tu simply filling up an online form but we were impressed oredi. So last year dah more sophisticated. Penat la Q sakan masa nak amik slip Digicert tuh, skali notebook aku ada bugs x leh nak deal ngan active-x. Aiyaa... sudahnya aku submit borang jek(biasa la dah nyaris nak due hehe).

This year, aku try lagi...mintak password baru and voila...I'm done within 15minutes, all the keying-in as well as saving and printing all the slips and forms for both me and hubby. Best kan ??

Now I'm passing the buck to hubby for payment part hehe sikit jek sbb peeceebee and zakat dah l a l a l a l a l a l a

1 comment:

Hanum said...

ohh.. very diligent one!!.. berangan gak aku nak jadi good citizen from here.. mintak hr postkan EA form sampai ke hari ni abih deadline tak sampai2 lagi.. aci tak?!

sedih tak pc aku tak compatible nak access kijang@nywhere sbb pakai vista... tu jit cakap la.. ke depa malas nak cari workaround solution... cakap aje tak compatible... so itu EA cannot print online... hampehh..