Wednesday 10 October 2007

Salam Aidilfitri dari Kami Sekeluarga

Maaf Zahir dan Batin

Baru je rasa raya (that's last year pic), Hannah is now ready to run, Hanis getting slimmer and Adan is about to gain some weight. We too had shrinked lalalalala (only to gain more after raya food fiesta).

For those who balik kampung, have a safe journey and may you have a joyous celebration. Have a good break everyone. We'll start our journey to Tranung tomorrow, very very early in the morning. Gonna have early sahur and zooooooooom...

I'll be back in blogworld after I finish my pineapple tarts...with raya piccas of coz.


ikan said...

selamat berhari raya!!! hannah collect duit raya banyak2! nanti beli toys main ngan iman!!

eh banyaknya buat kuih raya! nak ikit!!!

ps - crop gambar adalah utk cover baju lain2 color yek...hahahah u clever!

Tukang Campak said...

uikss... x terpikior pon psl baju color lain.

Klu kat KL slalu cacamarba sbb ada org x nak beli baju tiap2 thn (sapa ye ??). Baju merah Hanis tu pun maklongnya yg bagi. This year sedondon merah/maroon, next year pun samalah tu..

Psl toys, we had enuff, 5 big boxes of unused. For now only books & LEGOs allowed and err.. Transformers-related. Nak lain2 go beg and pester others hehehe Klu Iman dtg boleh la godek kotak2 tu ye..